Can’t believe I’m saying this but Loomer’s been dropping so many truth bombs

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She’s got to be so mad; fellated Trump to get ahead, then kicked out of his circle for being too ugly

That’s roughย 


The enemy of my enemy isโ€ฆโ€ฆactually still my enemy but I look forward to the shitshow as long as it means no forward momentum for them.

Would not be surprised if she has her account banned later. Having your average guy criticizing musk doesnโ€™t hurt him, but having a MAGa ally do it, plants seeds of doubt in some of their supporters.

They loved this rabid blobfish when she was focused on the libruls. Now she’s attacking them, it doesn’t make her good. She’s still rabid and delusional.

Almost like she knows the truth and chooses not to tell it most times

Sure, she’s nuts and often just completely evil.

But – and I truly mean this as a compliment to her, though it may not read as such – she’s *legitimately so*. She fully believes in what she’s saying and her causes. She isn’t playing a character (Owens), isn’t pulling the strings by buying influence (Vance, Musk), isn’t trying to play half respectable (the Congress critters holding on Trump’s coattails). Loomer, at least, is authentic.

So when Shadow President Musk and his pals are pulling rank, I can’t exactly blame her.

We should all just take this as a sign that they *know* the truth. They just ignore it because it’s usually inconvenient.


She’s going to have to do more than fart out a couple of angry tweets before I take her seriously.

Like two years of apologizing. If she can spend two years explaining how she was insanely wrong about supporting Trump, I’ll give this bitch a second chance.

Because I’m that fucking nice.

Sheโ€™s a woman scorned

Love this for them!

I am not opposed to Laura running rampant right now. Hopefully we actually see something in return instead of just screenshots though.

This stopped clock is telling the time ALL DAY LONG, lol

How unfortunate for America that this explosion had to happen AFTER the idiots voted for Trump and before he even started his infinite fascist reign.

Ahh the infighting has begun and we haven’t gotten to Jan 20th.

Get out your popcorns, crack open that can of beer and get your bingo cards ready!

Who is she talking About?

I really hope they have an internal civil war that distracts them from destroying the country and ruins their chances of coming back later

Laura didn’t suddenly come across the truth or have a grand realization about her party and the people who populate it. She knew all of this and was cool with it until she started to get pushed to the periphery.

Since she has been denied entry to the inner circles, now shes raging out and trying to use the public to enact her revenge.

She is just as much of a vile snake as the rest.

Ainโ€™t it weird that Maga conservatives, once theyโ€™re removed from the โ€œusโ€ group and become part of the โ€œthemโ€ crowd, they finally see the light?

Let her cook ๐Ÿ˜‚

The stupids are fighting and I’m all here for it.

Right on Right violence is always the best! No holds barred and they know each otherโ€™s grift.

They’re piling on her like wolves and she’s fighting back. These aren’t really normal people, you know. They all have mental problems.

All Republicans start to drop truth bombs when they’re on their way out and have nothing to lose.

I donโ€™t remember when it was exactly but there was a point where Ann Coulter said something against Trump where I was like, Iโ€™m not touching this because itโ€™s gonna be so messy.

Just more proof that they need someone to fight with and it’s not really liberals vs conservatives. X is a waste land


Iโ€™m gonna grab some popcorn. Anybody else want some?

This is the result of everybody leaving the platform so they have nobody to argue with but themselves. They are self-destructing.

Imagine she switches parties, lol.

This shit is getting HA-larious

This is some crazy shit!


She is so mad she’s been dropped lmao

Didn’t think I’d be agreeing with Laura Loomer three times in 1 day, but here we are.

Yeah, name drop Milo, thatโ€™ll help.

Rule of thumb is whatever MAGAs say about each other in conflict is the gospel truth. It’s amazing, it’s the only time they tell the truth. I realized this when Trump and DeSantis were going at it.

Looks like Leon took away her blue check lol! People are trying to gift her premium and aren’t able to lol..We haven’t even reached day 1 of the Trump administration LOL!

Can I get some context? what is she talking about and who are these clowns?

Ayooo…this weed has me all types of fucked up…did i smoke myself to an alternate dimension?? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

You know, for claiming to be a conservative, she certainly seems a bit woke๐Ÿ‘€

Loomer vs Musk Cage Match๐Ÿšจ

In other words, if anyone is going to be blowing Trump, its going to only be her

Crazy how when you frame the problem using racism, MAGA is able to understand that billionaire oligarchs are their enemy.

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