Nobody wants to work these days

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“Nobody wants to work anymore”

– Someone that never needed to work

I despise her

When the fuck did she work?

This woman would never survive a normal job without her parents’ money to fall back on. She’s literally a spoiled brat who took the easy mode influencer job.

If you look up “basic bitch” in any urban dictionary, you’ll see her picture.

She was literally Paris Hiltonโ€™s assistant. Learn from the best.

David Cross – legend.

I avoid working whenever possible.

I will never understand why this family is famous and half of them are billionairesย 

Agreed but voilร , not viola.

The first thing people need to learn is that hard work isn’t going to magically lead to a bunch of money. In fact, the hardest working jobs pay less than much easier jobs.

2nd. Learning an in demand skill will lead to more money, easier work, and more job security.

3rd. If that skill involves your brain you’ll have an easier job, but most likely work for someone else. If that skill involves your body, you’ll be able to run your own business if you want, but you’ll body will take a beating, and there are massive headaches with running your own business.

4th. Passive income is the only true way to be free of the grind. Overall, you need a way to earn money without selling your time. This is the way to be truly free, but it’s hard. You tend to need a lot of money to begin generating passive income through investments.ย 

๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถShe works hard for the money๐ŸŽถ

Working for most is not fashion shoots all the time…

Nobody wants to be a slave for a system that doesn’t actually work for them. Nobody wants to live off of scraps.

Tobias ft mfing w

No, no, she is trying to advise women to be like her.

Get (on camera) your fucking (description) ass up and work.

I wouldn’t touch her with a condom made by Goodyear! Such a filthy nasty bitch!

This post should have like 50k upvotes but she can afford a team to counteract the popular support

The only people who say โ€œnobody wants to workโ€ are the people whoโ€™ve never had a real job in their lives.

Do a few “Dirty Jobs” episodes successfully, then maybe she can bitch and complain.

She’s famous because of the slaughter two of people. If that did not happen, the name Kardashian would mean nothing so lucky for her uncle o.j cut the head off his ex wife otherwise she would be washed up stripper by now.

Kim says things like this to get a reaction from people & to stay in the headlines. She is a mastermind at attention seeking & I wish people would stop falling for it. Kim knows rhetoric like this (especially coming from her) will piss off the average person. She has been doing this for years. She knows what she is doing, ignore her.

โ€œGet you fโ€”king ass up and get railed on video like I did and have your mother pimp you out and generally be a no talent pos parasite who offers no positive value to society.โ€

Oh, is that what she’s famous for? I had no idea.

I still blame OJ

I believe that she means โ€œwork itโ€ not โ€œworkโ€.

โ€œFace Down, Ass Up, ladies.โ€ Kim K advice for working ladies.

Rich people are obsessed with the โ€œjust go workโ€ mentality because thatโ€™s all they had to do and it did work. But what they miss is that they were already in a better place, with a safety net, doing something that with get them disproportionately farther then normal people. Her version of work is to go start a beauty brand or appear on tv. Ours is burning ourselves out working at McDonaldโ€™s for 12 hours daily.

Rarely are the posts on here people actually being โ€œmurdered by wordsโ€ but damn David Cross is a savage for this lol


Get your ass up and work it straight onto the dick of some rich dude.

She self-immolated, and is incapable of seeing it.

in kk,s case,swallow many black cocks.

To be fair…all of that sounds like a lot of work, and a certain lack of shame.

She really fucked way hard to get to the top. Thatโ€™s her definition of work lol!

I must be wonderful to work a full day and then have nannies and housekeepers to take care of your house. Plus her personal assistant.ย 

I could also work harder at business if I had all those luxuries to help me in my “off” hours. Lol. Because I promise you during my off hours I am feeding my kids and cleaning up my house. I don’t put my feet up till about 10:00 10:30 p.m.. … Usually just in time for my youngest to wake up and say he can’t sleep…. What I wouldn’t give to have an overnight nanny so that I could sleep throughout the night.ย 

Cross just killed the kardashian mob

Well, not everybody wants to be a sexual exhibitionist / prostitute.

Go to work to make me more profits while you get table scraps.

Regardless if it was said by Kim, she isnโ€™t wrong with what she is saying. Maybe a bit ironic coming from her, but sheโ€™s not wrong that people should work harder to get what they want out of life.

Just barely surviving is a work itself. Also mentally exhausting.

She comes from a rich oil family.

Give her and her ilk some cred. They did answer the timeless riddle: “who’s D do I have to suck to…”

As if that ignorant fuck knows what everyone has tried. STFU bitch. Go do another porno.

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