Yes, you missed it out

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DC_Draino, is living the time of his life, still trying to write coherent sentences and comprehending that tRUmp was demotedโ€ฆ poor guy.

Everyone who has a relationship with a scumbag always thinks “yeah he’s a scumbag, but he’s my scumbag. He might treat other people like shit but he won’t do that to me.” They inevitably find out that scumbags treat everyone the same. They will fuck you over every time. So have fun with that, republicans.

Just idiots up and down

Republicans have entered the Shock Pikachu phase. To everyoneโ€™s surprise though, a lot faster than anticipated. Trumpโ€™s not even in office yet and things are starting to fall apart.

H-1B visa holders get deported if they lose their jobs, so Elon and Vivek can pay them 20% less and subject them to a lot more bullshit than most American workers are willing to deal with. They can claim itโ€™s because Indian workers are more skilled than domestic labor all they want but at the end of the day itโ€™s all about getting away with paying employees less and treating them like shit.

Neither Elon or Vivek give a rats ass about America, theyโ€™re just greedy parasites

Elon bought his way into government so that he can privatize everything and then scoop up government contracts. Thats it, he isnโ€™t concerned about efficiency, he sees an opportunity to increase his already disgustingly vast personal wealth and he gets to larp as a some kind of crusader while he does it.

Anybody with a brain should be able to recognize that heโ€™s a hypocrite and a malignant piece of shit with a hard on for power and influence.

Itโ€™s hilarious that he bought a social media platform so that he could be cool and bask in the praise of his idiot simps (and turn it into a propaganda/disinfo megaphone) and instead gets roasted constantly.

Time to deport that illegal alien welfare queen

President Elect Musk got the vote

That’s why they elected Elon in the first place, isn’t it?

Are there actual people who thought a government agency named after dog money was going to actually do something useful?

Did they not realize the two guys running DOGE were quite literally immigrants who rejected full blown naturalization and maintained pretty obvious ties to their countries of origin?

Edit: Elon is literally an immigrant. Vivek is the child of immigrants and was born in Ohio.

Trump also said his first term he would hire more educated and beneficial people from other countries. He loves the uneducated, only to get him elected, but wonโ€™t employ them. Can you blame them, after all theyโ€™re soooo successful

Guess DC_Draino didnโ€™t read the patch notes for reality. Liam Nissan hitting them with that Elon DLC update!

Watching the surprise of getting exactly what they voted for…. I can’t say I’m not enjoying it.

That’s why it’s important to have kung fu movies on tv on Saturdays. Because anybody who’s watched *Five Deadly Venoms* knows that the bad guys are stronger, and there are more of em, but they all fight alone. They’re all waiting to stab each other in the back and they’re all expecting to get stabbed in the back, so they all want to be first to do the stabbing.

President Musk wants it, stop asking questions lol

At the same time the guy who wants to import engineers is posting that going to school is useless , what a world

Elon is a dipshit cunt face douche munching slut pig. Fucking delusional piss money train.

Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰. You sold your soul to have an immigrate take your job just so some soulless oligarch can replace you to save 10/hr while they make millions/hr.

You also voted for union busting so…

“why didn’t people say they would do this?” conservatives say to the people who did, in fact, say they would do this.

> “Did I miss something?!”

Edon Mumps hasn’t even been inaugurated yet and they’re already applying revisionist history. They’re already feigning amnesia, coping for their cognitive dissonance and pretending “[we had no knowledge of it!]( Just like they did with the botched pandemic responses by Reagan and Trump.

Have fun with that

2004: Politics is so boring. Ugh. President Bush should help guide us through the next four years! He has experience after all!

2024: Why is Trump & the radical right-wing taking over US government? He has experience, letโ€™s see how this plays out!

everyone point and laugh at the elon fanboys!!

Gullible maga

And the worst part is that the US government cost him less than Twitter did.

Invasive buying an entire government for WAY less than a SM app.

Yes, they missed a lot.

This is what happens when your brain lives in a tiny box. What a dipbshit.

Project 2025, donnie’s “agenda,” everything every conservative commentary and lawmaker has said in the last several years. So, this guy is either lying or has literally been living in a cave.

They sold their party to the worst kind of immigrants. Billionaires who want to use America for their own exploitation and gains. There is a sort of ironic beauty to the racists getting duped into giving power to the very people they claim to hate.

Seems like the draino part of his name stands for his favorite beverage. Itโ€™s obviously damaged his brain

My favorite part of this is that this is exactly the opposite of what fascism needs to do to self-sustain. You canโ€™t exploit new people without giving handouts to your political supporters. This does nothing to help blue collar or right-wing white collar folks.

Thereโ€™s rhetoric to rile your base and then the self serving reality you want in place

“Something Beautiful Is About To Happen.”

– Disco Elysium

Thought that was the actual actorโ€ฆ

Yes, you missed the entire thing.

The Ponzi scheme will tell you itโ€™s everything but a Ponzi scheme.

Hahahaha, this guy is the sort of mediocrity that Vivek was talking about.

Because immigrants can be exploited even more easily. Muskrat lookin at Qatar with envy, the sick fuck

So are we finally going to be able to prosecute some of these scammers we keep getting bombarded with daily from India since our relations are going so well with them?

Canada’s destroyed because of this

The Leopards are enjoying those tasty, tasty faces…

Liam should shut his mouth on this one

The most epic bait and switch in American history

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