Robert Brooks minutes before Marcy, NY correctional officers beat him to death on Dec 9th

By Pump_9
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The Albany Times Union has identified the 14 individuals involved in the incident as Corrections Officers Anthony Farina, Matthew Galliher, Nicholas Anzalone, David Kingsley, Nicholas Kieffer, Robert Kessler, Michael Fisher, Christopher Walrath, Michael Along, Shea Schoff, David Walters, Nurse Kyle Dashnaw and Sergeants Michael Mashaw and Glenn Trombley.

Where’s the corporate media outrage claiming “vIoLenCe iS nEvEr tHe aNsWeR..”

I worked in a jail and saw this shit 20 years ago, the only reason it gets out even now is because of body cameras. The guards at my jail took bets on who they would beat and considered it a badge of honor to beat someone so bad they HAD to go to the hospital. Fuck em all.

Yes, I did speak up, and this is what happened to me because I did.


These are all wannabe tough guys, but they are all cowards. They think that they are strong by ganging up and beating on a submissive man. But, I guarantee you they would turn into bitches in a split second, if the tables were turned. They are all pieces of shit. They are all complicit.

Is there a need for audio with that look of pure joy on that deputyโ€™s face?

There are far too many corrupt COs.

That position seems to breed scumbags at an alarming rate. Couldnโ€™t cut it as a real cop, so they babysit criminals all day and use them to act out any violent fantasy they want. The criminals are easy marks. Nobody will believe them (or care) when they speak up about abuse. The COs can do whatever they want.

Fuck everyone involved in this, if they are not ALL imprisoned, then I donโ€™t know what weโ€™re even doing here. This is cold blooded murder. On fucking video.

Where’s the mayor?


I just read an article about it. Dude was handcuffed and on a table! He wasnโ€™t an active threat, and they just beat the shit out of him. My brain canโ€™t make sense of people being so awful and getting away with it. And while I guess these particular guys were fired, you know this wasnโ€™t the first time or they wouldnโ€™t have been so carefree about it.

Lynching. This is a lynching

Did they get charged with terrorism?

This happened 12/9 and I havenโ€™t heard of it until now. I take it this young man was not a healthcare CEO.

I was in prison in Florida. The CO that supervised the work squad I was on was at one point under investigation for being part of a group of COโ€™s that beat an inmate in the shower. Only thing that happened to that CO was they moved him to our prison and put him in charge of a work squad instead of being in the actual prison.

Thereโ€™s a prison here where pretty much everyone that works there is related to each other, or related to the Sheriff. Itโ€™s all good ol boys.

NOTHING happens to these cops and COโ€™s. They have the power and ability to do WHATEVER they want. And until the general population of this country starts to actually give a shit about what happens in our jails and prisons, nothing will change.


Look at that sick smiling fuck of a cop. This shit makes me seethe. This is actual terrorism.

I bet they go to church on Sundays as well

Some fucked up shit. Hope a lot of heads roll, but alas, will probably only bounce once or twice.

The got fired but are they being charged?!

This is what lynching looks like in 2024.

I see people say โ€œwe donโ€™t know what the context is. Maybe he stabbed someone.โ€ Thatโ€™s not how this shit works. COs and cops are not judges to issue death sentences at will.

The people involved included the following corrections officers:

*Anthony Farinaย  ย ย 

*Matthew Galliherย  ย ย 

*Nicholas Anzaloneย  ย ย 

*David Kingsleyย  ย ย 

*Nicholas Kiefferย  ย ย 

*Robert Kesslerย  ย ย 

*Michael Fisherย  ย ย 

*Christopher Walrathย  ย ย 

*Michael Alongย  ย ย 

*Shea Schoffย  ย ย 

*David Waltersย  ย ย 

*Kyle Dashnaw (nurse)ย  ย ย 

*Michael Mashaw (sergeant)ย  ย ย 

*Glenn Trombley sergeant)ย  ย ย 

If you hear any updates about any of their cases in the future please share. I’m curious what the outcome will be.ย 


If 3 black guys did this to 1 cop, guess what? They would be hunted down or go to jail.

Yet these ass hats get an “investigation” Why aren’t they in jail?

Iโ€™m sure theyโ€™ll seek justice for this poor man like he was a CEO

Another day, another group of uniformed thugs beating up somebody handcuffed.


These policemen went to bed still believing that they were doing some form of justice. At the end of the day though, it doesnโ€™t matter who you are, if you kill some one like this then you are a murderer.

The mayor gonna come out sucking that pig dick any second

Worse than what Luigi allegedly did

The video is terrifying. He was already completely defenseless. Surrounded by 10+ white men who are all taking turns punching, kicking, and stomping his face and genitals. Disgusting. Hope these cops get whatโ€™s coming to them but this seems like just a regular day on the job for all of the individuals captured in the body cam video

Perp walk these mother fuckers.

That one correctional officer looks like heโ€™s got an erection over the power that he has abused like this before. The one who clearly has his hands around this manโ€™s neck and is strangling him with a smile.. yeah thatโ€™s the one.

People get fired for being late to work too often. These guys get fired for murdering someone.

During the campaign, Trump promised to give cops absolute immunity, before slightly walking it back.

Wonder if these guys qualify?

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