Traumatized for life

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The soap bar in the pillowcase was a bit much though.

Bro hit his son with the “Pillow of Doom” straight to the shadow realm.

It’s funny until he waits till old age to get you back

my older brother would use ‘pillow fights’ and ‘water gun fights’ to absolutely destroy me. i would get the dinky dollar store water gun while he used the hose jet spray from the deck on the second floor

Amazing lol

Your son is still mid-air, contemplating his life choices😂

Henpecked Hal is a (very funny) satire account.

I was pillow fighting my kids at like 2 years old.

The world is pain, and I am they’re teacher 🥸

Guess he learned the hard way that dad’s beginner’s luck is no joke!

Now I want to pillow fight someone.

Pillow fight hustler

OP spinning up for the kill:


OMG that is AWESOME!!!!!!

PS my son is 2.

”Now son, this is gonna hurt you more than it is gonna hurt me.” *Whack*

As a kid I first learnt about pillow fight from the Shanghai Knights movie (iykyk)

Wait, what is the “premise” of pillow fights?

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