My Christmas Roast cooked from the inside where the metal thermometer probe was inserted

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This a good trick for cooking things like spuds quicker, stick the handle of a spoon into it and will cook quicker

Could have swore this was a Lush soap bar

This happened to me before, and it messed up my temperatures. Grill just heats up that metal and it cooks that area.

Meat toast

That looks so dry. 🤨

This is why it’s important to take into account when cooking rotisserie. The metal rod and prongs will get hot and cook the meat from the inside.

We’re both holding meat 😃 

It’s always so satisfying to me when a picture fits exactly within the parameters of this sub.

Ah yes, the thermometer butthole.

It looks like a fucking bathroom tile.

i dont believe you, this is 100% wood painted and cut slightly


The metal from the thermometer acts as conduit to bring heat inside.

Look at that grey band. Did you start it at a high temperature

When we use cautery in surgery, we make sure the patient doesn’t have a metal implant where the grounding patch is.

Metal heats and conducts differently than tissue/body with moisture.

TIL: use as much thermometer as you need and spread them eventually to cook meat faster

Neat idea for a coaster. Whats your Etsy store link?

I bet that was amazing when it was fresh out the oven.

Well it’s hard to rest when you have a needle stickin’ in your arse!

Funny looking toast

Should cut meat against the grain.especially after cooking. Gives the illusion of tenderness

I thought this was wood

That looks like the perfect slice of meat for a sandwich. You could even use it as the bread.

Didn’t know roast had a belly button

That’s how skewered meat cooks

This is what they mean when they say observing something changes the result in physics.

my christmas roast is ruined!! what if.. i took fast food and disguised it as my own cooking..?? ohhoho delightfully devilish seymour

r/dontputyour… ah fuck it i’m getting off reddit

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