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I don’t know who this guy is, but he’s on like a 10+ year heater. Every one of his tweets I’ve seen posted over the years is a banger.

Even funnier if you are eating alone.

or the cook staff says lets really give this smartarse the Diablo wings


The curse of having so many banger tweets is that he can never change his profile pic, or else lots of people won’t recognize the account by name only haha

“Can you say there’s a rule about not eating all the fully loaded nachos?”

Yes, it will be very obvious that nothing is up when the waitress reads a note in front of everyone at the table

“Can you just say we have a rule here at this restaurant? One person can’t eat all the fully loaded nachos.”

The restaurant has a rule that you’re not allowed to hog the chips with the meat, and uh stuff on them.

If she does that you need to tip her your retirement savings

No one fessed up to it but one of my friends changed my order of (mildly) spicy wings to ghost pepper wings. I tried to pretend not to notice the prank but I think the river of sweat rolling off my face gave it away.

I tried to do this once in Frankfurt but with beer. I decided I wanted to take a break from drinking so I saw they had non alcoholic beer on the menu. I ordered the non alcoholic beer by name and the waitress was like, “are you sure you want that? It’s non alcoholic.”……

I love extremely spicy food, but I wouldn’t order something like this with a group of family and friends. Unless it was something we all agreed to do together.

But otherwise you can’t really focus on conversation and the rest of your day will most likely be spent on the toilet.

Which once again, I am willing to go through the pain alone. I love the high I get from it. But the aftermath isn’t something other people want to be around.

Even funnier if you are eating alone.

This reminds me of when I went out with my college class for drinks at the end of all our schooling. I knew I wasn’t going to ever see these guys again. So I asked my waitress to write a fake number on my bill for a good tip. They all thought I was talking game when I was really just lying into looking like I had any type of game. I think it was harmless. She got a big tip, didn’t give out her real number, and I got to impress all these guys I would never see again. Good times.

Not the point, but can we go stop normalizing animal abuse as if it’s a casual thing?

Chickens are tortured. Eating their bodyparts isn’t a lighthearted conversation you guys think it is. 

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