Phrasing is important

By Yolo0o
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Why didn’t i think to keep my coke on my Flonase bottle?

At least the 3-year-old didn’t call it ‘mommy’s party powder’ that’d really get the neighbors talking

how much fuckin flonase are you huffing if it’s your special nose medicine??

Her pfp isn’t helping matters.


Least it’s an expensive and fancy drug. Could be worse and they could think meth. lol.

I love that the profile picture is jungle Pam. She has to do a *little* cocaine.


Great excuse to start doing cocaine

A family member ruined my high school graduation party by telling my mom she saw me put white powder in my drink. It was ginkgo biloba. My mother assumed drugs and freaked out, refused to listen to reason, just a full on meltdown. Started screaming at people to leave, telling my friends to stop being friends with me (yes, she had mental health issues that were untreated).

Its time for mommies Arm voitamines

Never understood how people get addicted to Flonase. I have to take it every summer because I have crippling allergies but as soon as I’ve decided that I don’t want to take it anymore I just stop. Half the time is just because I’m lazy cuz I don’t want to take any medicine. And I normally get about halfway into summer before I just give up on taking it. And I never want to really take it other than during summer because I just sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze nonstop. Maybe I just don’t get addicted to a nasal spray very easily

This reminds me of when I was 3 and was sat in the trolley at the supermarket whilst my dad waited in the queue to pay. We were playing a gams where we called each other silly names, like he would say something like “cheeky monkey” and I would reply with 2 random words out of my small vocabulary mixed together whilst pointing at him. It was all fun and games until I called him “coke nose” and you could literally hear a pin drop because the other people in the queue and the cashier thought that he must be a cocaine user 😭

Edit: correcting autocorrect’s miscorrection

Why did I initially read this as the kid being *named* Flonase

My 7 year old calls mayonnaise “Mommy’s, special white sauce” and it’s never not been funny. Especially when she asks for it at a restaurant.

Wait, are we doing phrasing again?

FYI – don’t huff it up your nose, lean over a sink and gently spray at the entrance of nostril so the excess runs out into sink below. It’s not supposed to go into the airway, it’s intended to coat the nostril entrance

I miss Archer and Pam

But also, having Pam as your profile pic isn’t doing you any favors either

To be fair, they’re both addictive

BRB, I have to help my uncle jack off a horse.

are you sure it’s not “Adults are fucking stupide “?

I mean given their choice of avatar I’m betting on both.

I’m NOT doing cocaine. I snort my Adderall

I hope this term makes it into the next Deadpool movie

I mean a decent amount of people get addicted to Flonase. So the kid might not be wrong.

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