Elon Musk gets a lot of hate. But it’s not enough. We can do better.

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Maybe he should get off twitter?

Even drug dealers don’t use their own dope.

Maybe if he stopped acting like such an arrogant and entitled little cunt people would stop insulting him. (Just a thought.)

Deport Elmo.

Man, He’s gonna hate reddit then…. 

Dude has every opportunity to be a hero and always chooses dipshit

Musk is nothing but a whiny, little bitch. Much like the orange dumb-fuck he bought himself for President. I am already sick to death of these fucking dip-shits and they aren’t even in office yet. The next four years – or more – of listening to these insufferable douche-bags is going to be like what hell feels like. Why don’t you just blast off to Mars already Elmo. And take that idiot Trump with you.

Dude spent $44 billion to buy the “Internet’s House of Insults” and then acts indignant when insults are handed back to him.

Top-tier innovator right there. What’s next? Complaining that Mars is unexpectedly dusty?

I get the feeling that AI will achieve self-awareness before Elmo does.

I swear he’s the lost Bluth family member that none of them talk about

If you still have a Twitter/X account, get the hell off there.

I insult him IRL in front of friends and acquaintances and they do the same.

Turns out people just don’t like the guy. I wonder if he’ll ever realize that.

He deserves every single bit of hate he gets

Dude literally allowed us to bully him into changing his body with drugs. It’s a good thing he’s not a woman, or decent, because then I’d have to care

Buys platform in attempt to bring free speech back, proceeds to complain when said free speech is used…

Well, he bought insult dot com, and now the insults keep coming.

freee speeeeech! 😆 🤣 😂

I don’t like this guy for me since 2022 but not cuz of his politic opinions (he’s free to be republican or democrat) but I hated him cuz he’s just a big liar!

At least he paid $44 billion to get insulted

What a pussy.

Why are we insulting Elmo by associating then with elon stank

Absolute free speech without exceptions. Except of course everything that triggers him. Such a hypocrite.

Always with the insults hay what great country America has become. I truly wish you all the best, you might not see it or believe it but your moment has arrived. Fall or stand that is what waits for you.

The fact that Elon is crying like this on his own platform made me laugh out loud. What else does he expect? I never expect everyone to love me. What the hell is this guy’s deal?

The come back is funny as hell. But Elmo doesn’t deserve this.

What confounds me about Musk is how a man with 11 children can still manage to be a freaking incel.

He needs his mommies boobs. Poor dear.

Please tell me this is a real tweet of his.

Some would say not enough. 

I’d happily tell him to eat my ass in person.

Maybe He should contact the previous owners of Twitter, and beg them to Take IT Back.

Hey Elon, your mother is calling you. Time to come in for your nap.

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