madlad embarassed rival dad in front of everyone

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This guy is getting ‘how to please your wife’ book next year.

One Xmas one of my 15 year old cousins boyfriend gave her a gift.

We were those crazy families where one person handed out gifts from underneath the Xmas tree one at the time and everyone had to watch while the gift was opened, and this year the entire extended family of about 35 people were gathered.

Of course her boyfriend didn’t know of our family rituals when he decided to get her a box with 80 AA batteries.

The “start his lawnmover on the first pull in front of his wife” is much more brutal tbh.

Easy to turn that around…

“Here, I got you this book that explains grilling.”

“Thank you! I assume you found it highly informative! In honor of your experience with the book, I’ll leave it on the back of the toilet for the next guy to take a peak while taking a dump!”


Wtf is a rival dad?

My buddy worked with a couple of guys that were constantly arguing about grilling. He got two “how to grill” books and gifted them to the guys, but had each signed from the other.

It was a pretty awesome prank.

“Rival dad” lmao

I like to believe the OP is like the dad in the movies that aggressively tries to assert their masculinity but it constantly backfires because the rival dad is super humble and an overall nice dude. “Hey thanks man, I’ve been wanting to get into grilling!”

I probably would have smiled and thanked him for the gift, wondering why I got it, but being happy.

Edit: Well, unless I already didn’t like the guy.

Who is this dingleberry? I only see him tweet jokes that have already been beaten to death and bots on Reddit reposting them for free karma

Fookin ell

My father would benefit from this, his grilling technique leaves you with two options: extra crispy or charred.

This is what asserting dominance looks like.

It’s on sight

While good, if the other guy is quick they should ask if it was from their private collection.

Rival dad

If I saw someone doing that for the purpose they are suggesting in the post, it’s not the recipient I would be judging.

This is madlads not maddads

Only thing that got grilled was rival dad…

Ah, the ancient memes. Nice to see it again.

One sure sign of insecurity though

I’m angry for him

oh he crazy crazy.

I’m 1000% certain that book will be used to start a fire without being opened once.

Joke’s on him. Now the rival dad will have the best grills ever, thanks to improving his technique with ✨education✨


That is when you ask him politely but firmly to leave.

The other dad:oh good I needed a good Firestarter. *throws book in the grill and lights it*

Short term embarrassment, long term investment

I heard in another post that every tweet this guy sends out is a banger

Those tiny petty feuds between big fish in small ponds amuse me. I hope you sweet precious cinnamon buns never change.

That’s an instant throat punch no matter the consequences

Rival dad: “Thanks but I think you need this more than I do…”

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