Penguin egg whites turn clear when boiled

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Who tf out here eating penguin eggs??? 🐧🥚🤦‍♂️

They only lay one or two a year, it seems mean to eat it

Didn’t know people ate penguin eggs. I learned something today.

Why are people eatin penguin eggs lmao

I was really hoping for a comment explaining *why* this happens versus the whites of other eggs, but alas–OP you’ve managed to find a topic that causes more rage than information.

Almost like they’re warning you not to eat them.

Do all eggs taste the same or are they different? Only ever had chicken eggs

This is unusually disgusting.

It become transparent because the protein that makes “normal” eggs white when boiled, namely ovalbumin, is scarce in penguin eggs

It looks like a facehugger is going to hatch out of there.

Bezos is serving those for his $600m wedding

What color are they raw?

Who…? How…? What in the world..? Wtf

I don’t like this

Not very appetizing

They become feathery if hatched.

So, it’s illegal but they are a super [food]( based on nutritional value.

“More intense than a chicken egg”

“Analysis reveals that these eggs possess a distinctive richness and a pronounced umami quality.”

Then why are we calling them egg “whites?”

Penguin Clear or Penguin Zero.

Who the flip is out here boiling penguins?

Idk what’s funnier. The fact it’s a repost from 2 years ago, or the fact that the top comment on both posts is also the same.

I’m really conflicted with “should you be eating this?”


OP goes to the Baltimore aquarium and asks for a menu

Ya know…some things just never cross your mind

…but now I wonder – do ppl eat penguin??…I’m off to google

Update: why, yes they do (or did) …all penguin species are now protected from hunting AND egg collecting *achem*🤨

You monster D:

Don’t they only lay one egg a year?

Can honestly say this is the first time I’ve even considered that someone might boil a penguin egg.

Who is eating penguin?

Who came up with the idea of ​​cooking penguin eggs? ??

Thanks, I hate it.

I ebb and flow between a full diet to vegetarian. I’ve even gone vegan for a number of years. I’m currently on a full diet but things like things make me go green. Bro, why tf are you eating penguin eggs. Seriously. 😳

Urgh nope 🤢

idk why but this makes me uncomfortable

This would make some crazy deviled eggs…

I could have went my entire life never knowing this information , now I need an answer to why you are eating them in the first place.

Where do you live that you have easy access to penguin eggs?

Nope nope nope nope



Pingu? 😢

Don’t you mean Penguin Egg **Clears**

Brb throwing up

Nope not me🙅‍♂️

But that’s definitely an interesting observation !

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