Hm, wonder what these service dogs do? 🤔

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When the FAs and GAs do nothing it just emboldens people to do things like this.

Looking at you guys across the pond…

Australian service dogs are legislated and defined under the Dog Act, and all owners of service dogs carry little ID cards for their dogs that *prove* they are service dogs.

Don’t have a card? Dog doesn’t come in the plane/train/building/etc

FA here, and it irritates me so much when people abuse the service animal policy (yes, we can tell when it’s not a legitimate SVAN) and don’t follow the PETC rules either. You signed a paper that these PETC would remain in a zipped-up carrier in the gate area as well as the entire flight. Neither one is allowed on a seat.

And quite frankly, I have had it with people and their pets not following rules. I tell them to follow the rules they agreed to and write it up every single time. I don’t know how many reports it takes to take away their PETC privileges, but it can happen.

I am a service dog user and this causes problems for real service dogs. First, service dogs do not belong on the seat.

Second, this belongs squarely on Delta and the FA. They have the ability to prevent this.

The audacity to bring two is crazy work

She should have been removed. She did this because she gets away with it.

I’m a former 20-year Delta stew and agree the system is abused. I was deadheading on a flight and walked past a lady with an “emotional support” parrot sitting on her shoulder. Thankfully, that didn’t “fly” with the cabin crew. It’s gotten so out of hand. On time departures are the be all and end all for Delta – things like this consistently allowed to slide.

They may not be service animals. They may be small pets. Which are supposed to remain in the dang carrier the entire flight. If they are service animals, then the owner had to have filled out a form stating that they are service animals. Which means they are a liar.

Finally a post where ppl aren’t saying ohhhh so cute 🤣

This whole fake service dog thing is quickly getting out of control.

Makes me so frustrated.

They aren’t fucking service dogs. Emotional support animals are not SERVICE ANIMALS. People need to get this through their fucking thick skulls.

Why does this person need two service dogs that are the exact same?

I thought it was allowed to pay a fee and bring your dog (non service)?

Pretty sure the two-headed dog is guarding the Sorcerer’s Stone

Some dude literally had a parrot 🦜 on my flight yesterday. He had it on his shoulder for a brief time and was talking to it. This shit is getting ridiculous!

Dog owners have been abusing this policy for years. I’ve watched a passenger get kicked of her flight because she told the attendant she can’t seat next to an animal as she has allergies. She got scolded, was told the dog is a pet and not an animal and was told to leave the flight. INSANE

They look very sweet but this is complete BS. Owners should be ashamed and embarassed.

Delta doesn’t care about those of us allergic to dogs.

They are not allowed on the seat service animal or no. Those are the rules as far as I know. Service animal no carrier not on seat. Non service animal inside carrier can’t be on seat either. So she’s breaking the rules either way.

Why don’t you include a photo of the owners? Assholes won’t change their behavior when there is no risk of personal blowback.

I love dogs. Like, LOVE them. But this is why my travel clothes that touch anything at the airport go straight into the dirty clothes bag/laundry hamper the second I get to my destination/home. Having a dog does not entitle you to treat them like children.

Small dogs such as those are allowed on Delta flights as pets. However, they’re supposed to be in a pet carrier.

They are seat warmers

I was on a JetBlue flight on Christmas Eve morning. There was a man blocking the aisle and a flight attendant repeatedly asked him to sit over the PA. He finally yelled that he could not because the woman sitting in seat. “A” had a dog and her bag and wanted to make space for everything and was not giving him the space to sit down.

Kudos to the flight attendant, who let the woman know that she had to give up her carry-on if she wanted her dog to travel with her where she was sitting.

Animals on flights have really gotten out of control. People let them run around the gate area and let them out on the plane.

I love Dogs. Probably more than most of you.

And I have had to deal with a family dog dying in stowaway.

R.I.P. Griffin, you are still missed.

That said,

These featured furballs need to be in the Carrier and/or muzzeled at all times.

I’m not really concerned about these two fluff monsters necessarily.

Nor am I looking forward to a double dose of “stressed dog diarrhea” for a 4 hour flight.

What I am concerned about is the potential for issues if/when the the other 6 stressed out “emotional support animals” get agitated and/or get loose in the ailes.

I’m not about to deal with a dog fight at 30,000ft, and the resultant injuries from breaking that stuff up.

Or the following “owner fight” segment that won’t wait until we have landed.

You all keep this up, and I’m bringing my “Emotional Support Cassowary” on board next flight.

Yeah, the 5’5″ bird that has been known to disembowel adult humans for fun.

AKA “feathered velicorapter”

He has a taste for fruit…and vengeance.

“Sven” brings me comfort, and I bought him a seat. He has a vest, so piss off.

Just don’t make direct eye contact with “Sven”, and you will be fine.


For real though.

I see this in my ER waiting room all the time. Actual (highly trained, highly coveted, highly expensive) service dogs being harassed by some unattended mutt with a $20 vest from Amazon whose owner could care less about their activities.

Dogs and people get stressed, and sometimes get hurt.

As a reminder, “ADA requirements for medical facilities” stop where concerns about safety, delivery of care, toileting, and infection control begin :). So basically whenever the nurse deems it appropriate.

Same goes with the ACAA, but replace the term “nurse” with “flight attendant”, and that sums it up.

“Safety”…first and foremost

The ACAA cannot order you to muzzle your dog, but an FA can require you to keep your dog on a lead, have them lay by your feet, or to kennel them.

And to potentially stow problem service animals.

Good luck stowing “Sven” though.

No seriously.

The Ketamine seems to only make him more focused.

And I think he already ate 8A’s Chihuahua.

The more you know.


Let’s get back to hating on “Seat Squatters” and “Carry-On Abusers”.

This dog breed as a service animal seems….unlikely.

“Muh emotional support animals”

I’m on your flight and wondered the same

Why are they on the fucking seat?

I fly with my dog consistently, they are **not** supposed to be removed from the carrier while the plane is in-flight – this is of utmost importance for the safety of the animal during flight. **IF** they are a service animal, according to regulations, they should be on the floor in front of the owner (as far as I am aware).

Also… if they were service it wouldn’t be 2….

I bring my dog in the airport consistently, but she’s also well behaved and stays in her carrier while we are on the plane.

I like dogs but this is why I avoid flying delta; dog shit and piss in the plane is no joke.

This is what we get for allowing soft people to make the rules. “Oh I can’t leave my house without my support animal” vibes. Ruins it for the individuals that truly need service animals.

Not only one but two.. that is just absurd. There really needs to be a true certification on service dogs/animal and it should only be one.

I have an ESA and would never pull this shit. I know a couple people who have ESA’s and bring them everywhere with a “Service Animal” vest, when I brought it up it’s not the same thing I get shat on for it. Safe to say they are not friends because 1. their dogs crazy 2. they think I’m crazy for thinking an ESA isnt a service animal…

My favorite was a couple months ago where the “service” dog barked about every 10 seconds for the entire flight.

I recently posted the same response you did and have been completely roasted for doing it. Even though I’m a Disabled Veteran.
I see tons of people that claim their puppies are Service Animals or Emotional Support Animals just to avoid paying a fee.

Incompetent gate agents
Incompetent flight attendants = This.

That’s when the FA needs to to escort the dog owner off the plane before the door closes. Imagine letting an extra kid or toddler in the row. This is the fault of the gate attendants.

Boot that person off the plane. Fuck these people. 

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