If Boeing wasn’t American, the company would’ve been shut down years ago and the owners would’ve been tried for murder. If the country that owned Boeing refused to do that, America would’ve put trade sanctions on them
2 months ago
This is what they call ‘damage control.
2 months ago
Even astronauts aren’t safe with boeing 💀💀
2 months ago
Flying was actually banned in Saudi Arabia because it was deemed to safe for terrorism

2 months ago

2 months ago
Lol I think of this scene every time I fly
2 months ago
Okay after some very quick googlfoo, it was a 800 series, so maybe this is one of those ones that just happened because of something else, not the MAX.
BUT PLEASE ITS TO EARLY TO DRAW ANY CONCLUSIONS! Can we wait for the investigation to atleast get some traction before jumping to conclusions.
2 months ago
PR damage control reaches Superman levels of optimism.
If Boeing wasn’t American, the company would’ve been shut down years ago and the owners would’ve been tried for murder. If the country that owned Boeing refused to do that, America would’ve put trade sanctions on them
This is what they call ‘damage control.
Even astronauts aren’t safe with boeing 💀💀
Flying was actually banned in Saudi Arabia because it was deemed to safe for terrorism

Lol I think of this scene every time I fly
Okay after some very quick googlfoo, it was a 800 series, so maybe this is one of those ones that just happened because of something else, not the MAX.
BUT PLEASE ITS TO EARLY TO DRAW ANY CONCLUSIONS! Can we wait for the investigation to atleast get some traction before jumping to conclusions.
PR damage control reaches Superman levels of optimism.