Can someone say Hallelujha

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The added โœจ is killing me ๐Ÿ˜‚

Does that mean God plans r*pe?

Did God plan leukaemia in kids as well?

All these bible thumpers should realize that every time God sends a hurricane to fuck up their shitty lives, itโ€™s because He hates them.

every miscarriage is an abortion by god

or least pay child support

A miscarriage is just God’s abortion.

So god also arranged all the rapes and incests. You should be the one to tell all the victims.

So, when a woman has a life-threatening pregnancy, God planned it?

Whatโ€™s that say about rape then?

Theistic religion is a plague

Isn’t that abortion though, handing custody back to God?

So, God pre planned that my 14 year old cousin would be violently raped and end up pregnant from said rape?

Gee, I wonder why people wouldnโ€™t want to believe in a God like that. How mysterious.

Ohhhh that means god is a rapists…………………..

Lies! Ainโ€™t nobody in the sky planning a damn thing.

Or pay child support! Shitโ€™s about to get more expensive!

God planned the abortion as well. Check mate.

If God planned the pregnancy, God could be found guilty of rape by means of stealthing.

I can’t believe I’ve never heard that line before.

Remember that part of the Bible where God said ‘I am in charge of whether or not you get pregnant in any and all circumstances, therefore you will accept my control of your body’? I mean, I only went to Christian schools for a decade, but I think I missed this one, anybody know which book of the Bible this is in?

Go to a child cancer ward and have a look at Godโ€™s amazing plan.

Oh man perfect comeback

I saw a podcast the other day and the question was โ€œif your wife disrespects you and you set her on fire, do you actually LOVE herโ€ the guy replied โ€œI wouldnโ€™t set her on fire in the first place bc I really do love her.โ€ The Christian religion has been translated and then retranslated and retranslated AGAIN. Thereโ€™s over 100 different versions of the Christian bible. Itโ€™s frustrating esp when other peopleโ€™s faith affect my life and my family.

Post birth abortion

And the church should give their full economic support.

The abortion gonna send that baby to heaven early.

I like to bring up that god is a murderer at family dinners ๐Ÿ˜€ Christianโ€™s do mental gymnastics to try to convince you god is all powerful and all knowing.

Very clever

If the person chooses to keep it does the man have the choice to not pay support


God definitely planned those birth defect due to Agent Orange (or just any chemical weapon that alters DNA really).

I’d love full custody. She can pay child support while I run off with someone with more money than her instead?

Haha itโ€™s funny because Mom is going to kill her child and send it to heaven.


God also made us in HIs/Her image. Which many do not understand. It it the power of creation as well as free-will(=choice!)

God wanted you to have an ectopic pregnancy and potentially die.

These guys are absolute fuckheads.

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