This isn’t a movie set. It’s just Poland trying to breathe, PM2.5 1300%.

By Blutusz
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That dude’s girlfriend needs to turn that humidifier off before this comes for us all.

Have they tried turning off the humidifier?

Silent hill : Kurwa edition

Why does it look like this?

I was planning on visiting Krakow last year as I hear it can be beautiful and I’ve only visited there when I was very young.  My Polish colleague told me under no circumstance go during the winter since most boilers are heated with coal and the city is smog-covered much of the time.

there was a weird PM 2.5 + 5 increase for bucharest a few days ago.. think the weird ‘cleft’ the city sits in traps the pollution (and heat, ala the +40c over the summer).. anyway it was something like 151 ug for 3 days

Buddy of mine I know through Xbox, lives in Poland. When we talk he complains about the smog and Ive never thought it to be that bad. Now seeing this, makes sense

Glorious! Free from evil government regulations cities in poland can be free! FREE! Breath the free, if not clean, air my friend! Jusr not too much.

London, December ’52 again…

In Germany we say “Polen liebt Kohlen”

Giving competition to people of Delhi , India ? We live like this every winder for 4 months.

Why is it foggy everywhere rn? UK too, Paris, Poland, Finland?

Polish peeps, wtf are you doing?

Duh, it’s just fog/drizzle.

Air quality might be atrocious, but all this picture shows is a normal weather condition.

Poland? When did they start having uncontrolled pollution like India and China?

Pedantic, but. 1300µg/m³ probably, not %.

While I don’t discount the pollution issue of Poland, anyone that knows Poland and the countries in the region will know that’s evening fog.

What’s the issue there? Do they burn a lot of coal?

Someone turn off the dehumidifier!!

I see a man next to the giant upside down wine glass


Ahhh, smells like free market and no government regulations!! Smell the freedom!!

bruh, i just saw the mist movie wtf!

I hope it’s not a regular scenario! Maybe, this photo was taken after a strong wind, similar to what we see here in Oman!

Excellent time to be on holiday in Silesia 

So, this is why I feel that we’re doing pretty good with the environment, so why do we keep having more wildfires?

Basically, it’s like the old lady at the end of the pandemic who was going 70 in a 35, and until I saw her I thought everybody was pretty normal.

In Estonia and Finland we have had fog and humidity 99-100% many weeks. If not that then just rain, or back to fog mist rain.

To much coal.?

I’m not a pulmonologist, but I don’t believe this is good for you.

this normal for 3rd world countries

Widzę ostry cień mgły

you need gills

Delhi says Hi!

This isn’t a movie set, it’s fog, a simple normal fog


I thought it was reflection off a tile

Is there any more recent pictures? Looks like New Delhi

What does 1300% mean? What is 100% supposed to mean against which this 1300 is shown?

This fog is as thick as curdled milk.

You are ok , google Skopje to see whats polition.

Would make a good set for a horror movie


Katowice problems

Are they big on new years fireworks? That should make it a whole lot worse

PM is normally measured in yg/m^3, 1300% means increase above normal value or above the maximum „allowed“ value?

Delhi: are you challenging me?

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