[Highlight] Tyler Herro and Amen Thompson fight

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Much better quality than the other one thanks

I thought a flag was thrown like in football but that was a fan throwing something toward the heat bench lol

That honestly was a clean sweep

Shoutout to Terry for getting in there

All I’m saying is the NBA should lean into the fighting.

Refs turned the game into a circus. they legit increased the frustration level. congrats lol

someone threw a cup or something lol

Amen Thompson will definitely be taking a few game suspension for that. Honestly not sure how Tyler Herro even got ejected. Seems like all he did was hurt Amen’s feelings lol

Herro was giving him buckets all night lol

Amen knows his judo well

NBA adding in new rivalries and more fights to boost their ratings lol

Have you ever been getting cooked by one guy so bad you lost your mind on a court?

Houston has to lead the league in fights so many of them recently

Pretty solid throw from Thompson TBH. Better than the usual slap fights, at least…

As soon as I read the title I had to find Scary Terry to watch his reaction, and I wasn’t disappointed lmao.

Somewhere Haslem is furious he wasn’t there for this.

More of this please, if we have to deal with 50 threes a game atleast give us some scruffles

Don’t know how Herro gets ejected over that

Terry a real one, i dont even care if he’s playing well or not, bro made a beeline to the fallen Amen.

Rozier was on immediate smoke

Amen should be expelled from the league or be sent to Clippers.

what happens if the entire coaching staff gets ejected in an nba game lol

The rare moment where Brooks look like a saint

Even in the fight Bam is still missing. He cares way too much about being friends with everyone lmao

Step up, Mr Captain.

Did someone from the stands threw something?.

This will fix the ratings for sure

Sick lil toss from amen

Holy shit Herro got yeeted. That’s gonna be a suspension for Thompson easily

ELI5. Why is Herro ejected?

Players got the memo on bringing the ratings up

Shoutout to the dude who throws something into the fray at about 10 seconds and overshoots to bonk some poor kid on the head in the 1st row. Makes the clip even funnier.

That is all on referee number 8.

WTF is Thompson doing there. Gonna get suspended

Herro got flung like a kid 😭😭

Ok – violence is bad (nah let em scuffle a little) but Amen yeeting Herro w the clean judoku toss only for Herro to do the tough guy hold me back on the outside afterwards is terrific

20 years ago, people complained NBA players acted like thugs on court, and the reason ratings were bad back then. Now everyone here saying NBA needs more fights for better ratings. We’ve come full circle.

Herro jumped up and has no clue what to do lol. No one was holding him back and he didn’t want action at all. He just kind of did minimal emoting

Lol Herro was cooking him all game. Dude crashed out

Herro pretending like he was ready to fight was hilarious.

Houston Rockets Lose Game Without Picking a Fight Challenge (Impossible)

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