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Where’s ‘Guy that pee in the sink’?

A guy that sits down to pee is a green flag in my books.

I’m so use to not seeing or using urinals in my childhood that I don’t even think about trying to use one. I automatically go for the toilets that I can sit on. The primary school I went to didn’t have urinals as they would get completely destroyed within the first day of being installed.

I appreciate men who sit down to pee

Where’s the guy that wipes his dick with toilet paper after a piss? (AKA me)

Guy who sits to pee is caked up

Pee your pants as a power move that none expects

Adulthood is, when you sit to pee.

Also, I’m super lazy. I neither want to stand the whole time nor want to clean up afterwards.

A guy peeing standing never had to clean the toilet

If you got good hygiene you most likely pee sitting down tho

I’m an obese man with a chode that fully retracts into the fat when not standing at attention; if I stand up to pee it just sprays everywhere

What’s the name of the meme template?

And even further there’s the diabolical Pants Around Ankles with Shirt Pulled Up

Hey man…look. I do it because I’m forced to not because I chose to.

All at once! Total mayhem!

Where’s the guy that “pees himself”?

I… I don’t shake,,, I do a mas*****tion-like action, which is indeed more effective than shaking in my experience

How about me (I pee in my pants)?

Guy that shloinks it

WTH pees at a urinal with pants around ankles?

If you shake it more than 3 times, it’s an handjob

This is stupid. 


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