I still listen to it though ๐Ÿ˜„

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True. It sounds better. Thatโ€™s how you pick up on the little things.

Itโ€™s like losing a best friend, but with a killer soundtrack.

One of the worst things. But if you stop for a while and then listen again it hits harder. Maybe not as hard as the previous good times but still hard.

Well i hate when this happens and I hate the fact that I canโ€™t stand listening to it after a while

Songs with strong “hooks” (the part of the song that gives you that surprised reaction) work in a similar way to jokes; once the surprise is gone after repeated listens they can’t affect you as strongly.

Coming back to either after a break can restore a lot of that original feeling.

IMO all of this, I’m not a musicologist or whatever


Territorial Pissings was ethereal the first time I heard it. Iโ€™d listened to it at music practises before but hadnโ€™t heard the official studio recorded version. Still one of my favourite songs. I got top 0.005% of listeners on Spotify this year, 104 streams.

Simple rule, stop listening to it for a while and keep on going back sometimes cuz then it pops just like a memory dont forget to play it during certain environment/natural season. If u loved a song during winter then listen to it whenever u feel cold. listen to songs based on your environmental time u listened to those songs.

The emotions come back after you’ve stopped listening for like a year or so. Worked for me

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