What is one Harry Potter detail that you insist on correcting people?

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Voldemort DID take over a School. And the government

i have a lot of issues with the goblet of fire movie (and the way the director interpreted the books), but one of them is that durmstrang and beauxbatons are not a boys school and a girls school respectively, they both had both. i’m pretty sure nicholas flamel went to beauxbatons

You do not get your Hogwarts letter on your eleventh birthday. You get it over the summer break before the first school year that starts after you turn eleven. Harry’s first letter came a week before his birthday, it was just a coincidence that his birthday was the day one actually reached him.

Ravenclaws mascot is an eagle, not a raven.

Hermione did *NOT* keep Beetle Skeeter in a jar for a year. She literally says she’s going to let the Beetle out when they get to Kings Cross.

She was just blackmailing Rita to keep her from writing horrible stories about people for a year.

Went to a trivia night and the last question was “write down as many people who were in the FIRST order of the Phoenix that WERE NOT in the second”. They were very clear on this.

The first name they read out at the end was “Tonks” and uproar was intense and instant. Those poor dudes lol

Marietta Edgecombe ratted out Dumbledores army, not Cho Chang.

Took an AR quiz in grade school about the books to make sure I got the points, having read the books twice through at the time, and the quiZ had the audacity to tell me the Dark Lord followers were called Dementors and not Death Eaters.

We’re like 30 years on and I’m still annoyed

Chronologically, the first person ever to escape Azkaban is Barty Crouch Jr, not Sirius Black.

Barty Jr escaped in 1982 and Sirius escaped in 1993, but Barty’s escape wasn’t known to anyone but those involved until 1994.

I saw one hell of an argument at a Harry Potter pub trivia contest because of this confusion.

Not so much a correction but every single time I watch HBP with anyone, I need to stress that in the books >!Dumbledore immobilises Harry while he’s under the cloak as he knows Harry would never leave him while Malfoy is there!<. It annoys me that in the films he stands around like a prize pudding and lets it all happen.

“When in doubt, go to the library” was never said by Hermione – it’s a Ron quote. 

The movies completely neglect that Harry repaired his wand with the elder wand at the end of deathly hallows

Harry being a horcrux was not why the Dursley’s were so awful to him.

Peeves is NOT a ghost. A quiz last year had him included in the correct answers of a question about Hogwarts ghosts.

The cake Hagrid gifted to Harry for his eleventh birthday was spelled correctly.

The horcrux in Harry not being destroyed in the Chamber of Secrets is not a ”plot hole” and I’m tired of listening to people saying that it is.

I hate that they also completely missed out the scene where Dudley apologises to Harry – when he shakes his hand and says, “I don’t think you’re a waste of space” & Harry replies something like, “thanks, Big D”.

They filmed the scene but it was scrubbed from the final cut unfortunately. Not like there wasn’t time for it lol 🥲

One of my favorites is Harry tearing Lupin a new one for trying to abandon Tonks and Teddy and being absolutely correct. Another is that no one was supposed to “Head for the Burrows!” during the 7 Harrys and it would have been stupid for them to yell that as they take flight. They were all headed to different safe houses before being portkeyed to the Burrow. We missed out on Harry losing every ounce of his shit upon seeing Andromeda thinking it was Bellatrix.

That Ron was not some dumb idiot like the films portrayed him to be. He was actually intelligent.

The worst scene is Ron panicking and freaking out when the Devils Snare is attacking him and Hermione keeps a clear head and then saying ‘Lucky we didnt panic’ and Harry says ‘Lucky Hermione pays attention in Herbology’ when in the book, Hermione is the one panicking and Ron has to tell her what to do!

Ginny is actually a funny and fierce person with personality and Harry is NOT a goody goody

Catching the golden snitch doesn’t win the game. It gives 150 points, and ends the game. If the other team is over 150 points ahead, your team will still lose regardless of whether you catch it.

Cursed Child isn’t canon.

A lot of people don’t realize that the character isn’t named “Harry Potter” but rather that is “Harry Potter’s Monster”.

I was at a HP bar trivia event, and I put down that Dumbledore sees himself holding a pair of thick, woolen socks as the answer to what he sees when he looks in the mirror of Erised (direct quote from PS). However, the answer they were looking for was his family whole/his sister Arianna. I was displeased.

That Fenrir wasn’t a death eater. So many people say he’s a death eater. Why would they ever let a werewolf join? They hate half-breeds of any kind

Most/all of Ron’s good parts from the books are attributed to Hermione in the movies.  

“How many times have I told you, you cannot apparate on Hogwarts Grounds!”

Ron is mispronouncing it “LevioSAR”. Hermione is genuinely correcting him, and not nitpicking.

Dumbledore was not raising Harry as a pig for slaughter. He always had hope in Harry and knew that Harry could beat him after Voldie was resurrected using Harry’s blood. He wanted Snape to think that so Harry wouldn’t be let in on the fact that he would survive giving himself up to Voldemort. That allowed Harry to sacrifice himself successfully to protect his friends and the order. If Dumbledore told Snape that Harry would likely survive a direct killing curse again then it wouldn’t be a sacrifice at all. Intent and love mean everything with sacrifice magic.

Winky was there. She’s such an important aspect of that world that I refuse to watch the later movies that exclude her. Worst editing decision in the series.

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