Not hating on AI art makers, but I think you miss the whole point of making art

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I don’t care about AI art but I hate when someone used AI and called themselves artists

I want AI to do laundry and other chores so I can do art, not the opposite

If the art is generated by AI then they are not “artists”, I’m not a writer if I put a prompt in chatgpt and change a few words. And yeah, there’s no expression of anything in AI art, I want to know that there’s a mentally ill person behind my pregnant sonic fanart or I can’t enjoy it.

Was that thrown by Ai art attackers?

This is just all around dumb. If the point of making art is to create, then artists have absolutely nothing to fear from AI. Unless, of course, “the point of making art” is to paint illustrations people ask you to in exchange for money, in which case AI is a very serious threat.

Iโ€™m fully hating on AI โ€œartโ€ makers

If you think art has “one (the) point”, whatever art is, you definitely do not understand it.

Ai art is an insult to the human mind and life as a whole. We are gifted with the power to appreciate and create and we relinquish it to a machine simply because it is easier than to actually use our consciousness and creativity. Also money (:

I donโ€™t really use ai, but if I did itโ€™d probably be for the memesโ€ฆ and because i can barely draw one character before everything goes downhill, idk it kinda sucks tho the way AI is used

Wdym AI art makers? All they do is type in a prompt and boom, they “made” a masterpiece which they call their own

AI art is so shit

If it looks good then I like it. That’s how most people feel.

If there’s anything I’ve learned from the art community, it’s that they can’t define anything regarding art. A urinal laying on the floor is art. A banana taped to the wall is art. A blank canvas is art. A statue “made of air” is art.

Yesterday, literally anything was art. Suddenly you guys want to gatekeep what art is? LOL, nope.

I’ve made AI songs and edited them with my own lyrics and vocals. Great artists don’t copy, they steal and recreate. And that’s what AI can be used for๐Ÿ™ƒ

I donโ€™t have a problem with AI โ€œartโ€ in general. I have a problem with people making AI โ€œartโ€ and trying to pass it off as human made art or using AI โ€œartโ€ to take business away from actual artists.

Welp it’s not getting money either. And most artist cry about that. Not the fact that it hold no expression of the autor, the meaning and dedication of each stroke of a pen on paper that will be filled. Cause most commisioned work is also devoid of it, and those idiots would also deny their own right to call themselfs an artist if they tackled it.

The only thing I can defend ai art for is seeing hyper realistic secure camera footage of keanu Reeves beating danny devito with a plank of wood in a pizza hut

As much as i hate the current AI art, the process of making art is mostly enjoyed by the creator alone though, most people just want something pretty to look at.

Using AI for arts convincing me to start drawing.
But I always quit when I see how horrible lines I am doing.

AI isn’t stopping anyone from making art.

It raises the bar for monetising art. That’s a good thing.

AI cannot create, because AI doesn’t have the ability to imagine, or have original ideas.

AI “art” is a collage stitched together with parts stolen from other artist’s creations.

What is the point of making art, according to you, OP?

i feel like we have different ideas of what “the point” is.

Amazing engagement bait OP

I don’t know the point of making art since it’s different for everyone, but the point of looking at art is to be entertained and impressed and AI’s not doing a bad job at that.

The point? Making a pleasing image? Lol

I get more enjoyment out of the ai art I’ve generated than I’ve ever gotten from an art museum

I said this same thing a few months ago!

A bit long-windedly, but still…

Ok, gatekeeper, sure ๐Ÿ‘Œ

A good artist can turn their vision into something real. If someone can do it using AI, donโ€™t hate. Good art is good art, and good art is good.

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