My handwriting is girly

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You should use a glitter pen, if you want people to take you seriously.

You’d have taken Tumblr by storm 10-15 years ago.

Where are the hearts on every “i”

Yeah right Jessica

Is this the meal prep guy?

Please dot your i’s with ❤s

My mind did go right to sorority house bulletin board.

You could be a Master Catfisher sir. Make an OF account asap

Who has time to cross their z?

Want to go out for coffee, cutie?

Maybe your hand is gay from jerking off all them years

It’s not thirty’s. Don’t let your apostrophe be a catastrophe

My wife is a teacher and says you’re a liar.

Yeah it’s pretty femme. Whatever though it’s easy to read

Former middle school teacher…can confirm. Meghan with an H

We had secret Santa a few weeks ago. I actually wrote my friends name in my regular writing. 

He inspects his gift and says “well this is definitely a guys writing hmm”

Well he didn’t guess me, a 27 year old women. 


You will truly know with just one UwU


I wish my 18-year old daughter had better handwriting. It looks like a doctor’s writing you can barely read. Her handwriting was better in 2nd grade. I love your handwriting!

it is, but don’t worry about it bro

And you’re fabulous

A bit effeminate,rounded and fluffy

It’s very cute indeed.

Might help if you start sentences with capital letters.

It’s not girly. It’s legible.

Yes it’s girly, but perfectly fine and beautiful as well.


Your grammatically incorrect apostrophe in “30s”bothers me more than anything.

That script is fire.

you have basically the same exact handwriting as my friend megan lol

You can totally troll a ton of people

“Fellas, is it gay to… **check notes** write legibly?”

My eighth grade teacher told me that when the ends of your sentences tilt upward it means you have a positive outlook on life. My sentences tilted way, way down so this was not a compliment. You’re an optimist OP!

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