There is a cat food can stuck perfectly in my drain and I can’t get it out.

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Have you tried trying yet?

Have you tried literally *anything*?

Needle nose plyers or a really strong magnet.

Edit: Or turn the house upside down and shake it.

Use one of those dildos with the suction cup.

That doesnโ€™t look hard to get out. I donโ€™t feel like you tried.

Duct tape sticky center dry can

Boggles my mind to see people with zero critical thinking skills ๐Ÿ˜…

Press thumbs against opposite insides of the can and lift it, get a screwdriver and jam it into the middle to cause bends in the can.

You’re going to need to replace the whole kitchen, there is no coming back from that.

Or you could put a couple of screws in it on opposite sides and turn it out


Punch a hole in the center with a screwdriver and start prying.

Just stick a knife in between the wall of the can and the wall of the sink hole and push inward, itโ€™ll pop out. Easy peasy.

Magnet, vacuum, punch a hole in the center with something and try to pry it up. Buy a new sink. Remove from underneath by replacing the entire disposal. Sell the house. Burn the house down.

These are just a few options you can pick what you think might be best.

I bet the cat could get it out

Op is mildly stupid.

Iโ€™m stunned that so many people on here are soโ€ฆ.challenged in their ability to solve simple problems, and the ridiculous advice being offered.

The can is thin, aluminum, and easy to bend. Get a pair of pliers and grab the edge of the can and bend the damn thing until you can grip it. Then rip the stupid thing out.

we are doomed as a civilization.

Drill a hole in the middle and get some needle nose pliers to pull it out

Throw the house away


Remember that Daily Dose of Internet video where a man put some Dorito salsa in a chair cup holder and it got stuck? Well this is awfully similar

I need an update on this saga! I vote for either using a butter knife to pry it out or a flathead screwdriver!

You need to move.

Flathead screwdriver to bend the sides in, then either pry it out or grab a pair of needle nose pliers and pull.

drill a hole in it and just leave it there.

Got a cork screw? Try it.

Duct tape

Vacuum, maybe a magnet, suction cup, reusable straw (make yourself into a vacuum lol), needle nose pliers, tweezers, or:

Stab a hole in the bottom. Tie a piece of thread to the middle of a toothpick, shove the toothpick through, and pull up with the string.

Sell your house

if it’s wet dry it off and stick some duct tape to it to lift it out, no need for drilling

Magnets, how do they work?

Same people who post this shit will offer advice on how to solve the Ukraine/Russian war.

I’ve tried nothing and I’m out of ideas

Block the shower drain. Use a couple of washcloths, some paper towels, and the toilet to back up the plumbing in the house and then turn on the bathroom sink to push the can back out.

OPs account is full of bullshit like this. Recycled โ€œfunnyโ€ stuff that never happened to them.

Magnets? Maybe glue something on for grip? Heck heat up a tea light, stick it on there and let the wax harden so you can grab onto it?

Needle nose pliers


Flip the sink upside down and shake it

magnet, vacuum cleaner, gum

Get a magnet.

yes you ***can***

Can’t you just… put your hand inside and pull it up?

Take a candle. Light it on top of the can. Then hit it with a baseball bat. If that doesnโ€™t work then burn the house down.

Drill a hole, put in an allen/hex wrench or something with a hook or bend. And yank

Knock your whole house down

Just drill a hole in it lmao. This isn’t even hard.

Move to Australia, then your house will be upside down and it’ll just fall right out

Create a small black hole above your sink to suck it out.


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