I’m worth $1.12!!

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Can you put me in the will? I could use a rich uncle I’ve never met.

Jesus. This is r/povertyfinance. You are fucking rich. Come back when it’s at least -500. (/s just so I don’t have trouble with mods)

$1.12?? Bro go to r/raceto10million , this is poverty finance

im -19k or so , pretty big accomplishment being +


Just like I tell panhandlers. “Hey buddy, at least you’re broke. I’m in debt.”

Hey, big man! Let me hold a dollar!

You don’t look a cent under $25.00.

I’m worth like -$375k

positive networth is stil POSITIVE !!!


Time to start a podcast on building wealth


One day man…..it’ll be tree fiddy

You’re worth every penny of it too!
Edit: apparently I can’t spell.

It so does feel good to have a few dollars still in checking the day before payday! Congratulations OP!!

You’re in the black!


I had to read this twice. I originally thought it was 1.12M.

Can I borrow $1.12?

Come back when you’re actually poor.

Woo hoo!

Congrats on being positive. A lot of people have to work for a decade or more before they get positive. Takes a lot of self discipline and hard work.

Now pay off any more debt you have over 6% and start building a portfolio of index funds XD

What application or site is that tho btw? I calculate my net worth by hand every month in excel, it would be cool to at least see an app that helps you calculate it out.

seriously, being positive in net worth in any way is great. good work.

Numbers on a page. Your real worth is in how many people you love who love you in return.

What site or program is this?

Im in negative money

Way to be positive!!

Must be nice

Damn bro..time to make a post on that salary subreddit where nobody makes less than 6 figures somehow

Most people probably wouldn’t even know that about themselves. Kudos.

I’ll buy you as is

How did figure that out?

What website is this?

Bro, be careful flaunting this kind of wealth on the internet.

Congrats! In grad school I threw a small party when I became “officially worthless” (due to some good luck, and some very generous scholarship donors)! Unfortunately, buying the snacks moved the needle back into the red until the following month, lol.

can I hold a dollar

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