Elon got humbled

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“tried, but don’t like doing crime.”
Insane coming from someone who bribes political figures, and controls the government through money. But yeah, sure. No crimes there.

You haven’t played GTA because you’re busy virtue signalling

I haven’t played it because I’m a weeb and only play JRPGs.

We are not the same.

Lmao get fucked nerds

Wouldn’t it be fourth?

“Tried, but didn’t like doing crime.”

Is something someone who does crime would say.

I played Gears of War 2 as an 8-year-old, but yet Musk can’t handle GTA 5 lol.

He’s virtue signaling to conservatives

i second that

You mean to tell me these are the only 6 games Dan hasn’t played? Dude needs to touch grass.

Man, can’t believe Elon is the kind of guy that would only play as a CT on Counter Strike

Top down GTA games one the PS1 feel like 5 lifetimes ago..

Wouldn’t that be the fourth biggest pussy???

We all bought Road Rash in the early 90s specifically to be able to swing on a cop.

A video game with shooting civilians or soldiers just doing their job is OK, but they draw the line at fictional police?

Looking forward to Elon’s stans unironically saying “he couldn’t be corrupt, he doesn’t even like doing crimes in video games!’

Jerkoffs jerking off to jerkoffs jerking each other off but one of the jerkoffs is one of the most important people on the planet.

I hate every living thing on this goddamn planet.

This isn’t a rare insult. He just called them pussies

Irony Elon

Totally owned the richest man to ever exist, completely humbled

Ohhh, that little cuck Ian is a colleague of Avi Yemeni.

Makes sense

I was going to play fallout 3 but someone tried to steal my sweetroll and that is just too much crime for my taste.

And this is the guy that thinks he can make video games with AI


lmao even

Payday 2 has entered the chat.

I wish to see Elon musk get absolutely crushed by comments

The dude who does crime all the time says ge doesn’t like doing crime in a video game 🤔

Playing video games is doing crime? I thought there was a difference between reality and fiction but what do I know compared to this genius.

GTA2 is still my all time favourite game. Pure fun

“Pushes button to kill imaginary character in an act of defense while working with the fib”

No can do. Because of what people might think of that.

“Pushes button to literally kill thousands or destroy the lives of thousands”

Well, that is how good business is done. Fuck what anyone thinks.

This is sociopathy.

Og Mw2 was prob the only campaign mission to ever make me question playing a game lol.

Doesn’t like doing crime, but likes doing absolutely nothing with his billions to help end world hunger and letting millions of people starve

And they say liberals virtue signal…

It’s one thing to say you don’t like gunning down cops in a game. That’s fine, I won’t hold it against you. But to act morally superior, about a video game, when you commit actual crimes… ooh man. I really can’t stand him

they gone woke

Projecting his law abiding ways because he and everyone else knows he’s full of shit

I haven’t played GTA6 either!!

Please don’t turn this into r/clevercomebacks

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