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Why I don’t play online.
I don’t have enough time to actually git gud at it.
Nowadays i just relax with stardew valley.

That’s sucks. With long shifts, you have to choose between showering or your hobbies. The man made his choice.

What sucks is some unemployed 25yo dude is gunna be like “ha ha that sucks dude” and destroy his base bc “it’s a pvp game don’t play it if u don’t want that”

Read “work” as “wank”… 😬

They are lying, they have a code lock on the door which means that’s a team’s base and not a solo’s base. If it was a solo they’d have a key lock.

_Grabs the molotovs and boom to raid_

Play a different game. I promise you there are better games to play than Rust if you don’t have enough time to dedicate to it.

I have two games a week!

I’d sit outside dudes base and try to stop anyone who tries to raid. I would fail horribly but I would try.

[put here the meme “that sign can’t stop me because I can’t read” please]

Leave my base alone, Karen, I’m just trying to pay rent in both worlds.

This reminds me of the time playing on a deadside server, where I’d be the local arms dealer and scavenge around when the servers were fairly quiet. I Set up shop in an old factory warehouse and everyone started hearing about me. When 2 guys robbed me of my sale inventory, the next group of 4 guys looking to trade volunteered to hunt them down. Safe to say I got my inventory back and sold it to them for a really big discount for their service.

10 hour shifts could mean he has 3 day weekends instead of 2. Tear this man’s shit to the ground 🤣

Damn me too brother. Either you work 5 days 8 hours or 4 days 10 hours.

Took that pic seconds before raiding it, no doubt…

RUST ✌️😊


Bruh I’d feel so bad I would enter his base to guard it and put in some gifts from time to time :c

I read “Please don’t disturb, I wank 10 hour shifts” – get that man some lotion!!

This game seems interesting. So your base / everything remains in the world even when you don’t? And you basically hope no one destroys it while you’re gone?

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