The circumstances aside, a 24/8 full build draven critting for 116 is fucking funny
2 months ago
Randuins 2700g btw
2 months ago
why that camillie down 60 cs and 3 levels lmao.
2 months ago
2 months ago
Yeah this is the grossest clip I’ve seen. I can kind of understand Renekton being that tanky with randuins but Viego just has DD and a (shitty) armor component.
2 months ago
I’m ready for the next ADC focused split where Riot forgets high elo/pro players can take ADC’s mid again. Then they will panic and nuke the entire class for both mid and bot.
2 months ago
Not to mention he borderline played perfectly, dodged like shakira and consistently picked up his axes. This is genuinely problematic.
2 months ago
Dravens not allowed to kill tanks (Renekton and Viego) guys, only vayne kog maw and varus.
-people unironically
2 months ago
And the funny thing is that Assassins, which are supposed to be good into an ADC, cannot do anything to a Draven this strong
It’s just Tanks being tanks and Crit being horrible that makes this happen
Unironically make Crit anti tank skewed
2 months ago
It’s insane how much people try to play devil’s advocate for this shit, you’re telling me its okay that the class that it’s design to take out tanks through consistent damage and it’s its gatekept by items can’t take out tanks (in this clip it’s not even tanks its randuin’s+tabi combo) even when they have full build including boots upgrade.
Riot has been shitting the bed through the whole year in terms of balance, and we have reach the peak of awful design this last split. I genuinely hope that someone at riot notices and just calls out of the balance teams for this year shenanigans
2 months ago
Steelcaps + any armor item is so disgusting right now into ADC’s its not funny how unplayable the game gets.
2 months ago
I have been playing tahm kench support recently heart steel into warmogs.
the amount of times I have been able to solo a midlaner/jgler/ADC while 2-3 levels down on them is absurd.
tanks do way to much damage. period.
2 months ago
Should have just locked in Seraphine in champ select.
2 months ago
Clips like this are a big part of why I hung up the gloves on League. As an adc your margin for error is so razor-thin and you still feel useless even when you are frame perfect kiting and dodging skillshots.
2 months ago
Aaaaaaaaaaand your average redditor/tiktoker/instragammer/youtube silver 2 player will try and convince you this is fine, like the TK reptile clip. “hE lAnDeD 2 AuToS WhY WooUlDnT the AD LoSE”.
League of Legends is a terribly unbalanced game at the moment where bruisers/tanks are incredibly op and health is immensely overpowered, and ADC got every single item gutted for them
2 months ago
me as a crit adc when the enemy bruiser builds randuin:
2 months ago
like what are u even supposed to do anymore man
2 months ago
Aw man, they finished their armor boots and you no longer deal damage at 6 items, unlucky!
2 months ago
My god the copium is crazy in this comment section. Burham adc is finished.
2 months ago
As annoying as he can be sometimes, his axe control is incredible. It’s pretty nuts that Riot can’t seem to find a good balance for this role…
Am I crazy or was the meta in the last season of mythic items the best in a long while?
2 months ago
If it was against an Ornn, then I would say 24 kills doesn’t matter because it’s 32min late game and most champs have full build at that time. Also that Draven is known for not killing tanks well.
But it’s against a Renekton with a Randuins.
2 months ago
2 months ago
Tabi + randuins combo is way too strong.
Like, i get randuins is an niche item to counter crit, but it does so way too hard atm, doesnt feel right you can invest 3900 gold to completely neuter a 12~15k full damage build.
30% crit dmg reduction should be tied to the active and not something that is permanently on, base crit damage isnt even at 200% for it to warrant being that powerful, especially with how much health tanks are running around nowdays (heartsteel is not a healthy item, and health stacking as a whole is to strong when every single thing that could deal with it was nerfed in the item system).
Also tabi prob needs go to back to 10 or 8% damage reduction.
2 months ago
The only role thats supposed to have a shit early game, has to play around team, has no setup, has insanely expensive items, dodge all skillshots…all for the promise that late game you’ll be an equal threat as the mage who has none of those restrictions and then the reality is this lmao
2 months ago
Current meta is ass. Its the world of tanks and bruisers with only mages being able to deal with them (unless you’re playing Kog).
The funny thing is that an AD assassin, a class designed to kill ADCs, would’ve gotten killed by Draven prob 3 autos from full hp if they didn’t build Tabis and GA. Meanwhile, bruisers can just infinite drain tank while shielding 1k hp from items every fight while still one shotting champions who needs to build 5 damage items to do damage.
Armor pen items suck. Healing cut items suck.
2 months ago
Another great example why ADC should be renamed to attack damage support (ADS). A tank support is more useful late game than a standard marksman.
2 months ago
I would still expect like a 300 crit at the very least. This shit feels like OW GOATS meta
2 months ago
Saw a comment that said but renek built the correct items to counter draven it makes sense he can tank that much LMAO the same renek who can flash W Draven and oneshot the draven….
2 months ago
Tanks were more fun last season when they had Abyssal, Radiant, Evenshroud, Frozen heart as items that were cheap, weaker lategame, but still useful due to their effects they provide to their team.
Now, scale good due to Heartsteel, and Unending Despair, more expensive but strong steelcaps, and Randuins that doesn’t lose value late.
Frozen heart isn t the absolute best item vs AD, but completely useless vs any magic or true damage (which is way healthier) but just an inferior Randuins
2 months ago
This genuinely feels Like the League Community is in a Quest to find the Most riddiculous ‘adc gets fucked’ Clip. Next week we will have a 12/0 Twitch loose to a random mundo 3 Levels down and half HP and in a month someone will dig Up a mystical 22/1, 6 Item vayne free Hit an entire teamfight Just to get onetapped by a random ksante after 19 Seconds.
2 months ago
Should’ve ended faster /s
Jokes aside, this is filthy game balance. 116 damage on a CRIT is laughable
2 months ago
Even despite this clip, playing this game feels dogshit as an ADC. Especially in ARAM. Feels like AD’s have to position perfectly to output good damage. Meanwhile a tank can just faceroll through everyone and kill the AD in 5 seconds if they get on top of him.
2 months ago
Humzh just in time to make filthiest clip of the year
2 months ago
Don’t worry guys I’m sure Dantes doing top damage with Eclipse into full tank Hecarim means tanks are weak.
Full Tank(unending despair only “damage” tem) Jayce top being meta doing top damage means everything is working perfectly fine.
Akali going Deadmans into rift into abysall being meta is fine I think.
Riot is doing a bang up job !
2 months ago
I sure would love it if they finally decided it was time to nerf tank items
2 months ago
More tanky, more damage, more cc, more mobility, I almost want to say more range.
2 months ago
very hard to watch
2 months ago
Watch them nerf renekton and leona by 2 armor now
2 months ago
Feels like adc is the only role that constantly fluctuates in power throughout the year. Adcs in midlane really ruined it for bot laners man. Riot really needs to understand that marksman being played in mid, means there’s a bigger problem in the role, and the champs that should beat marksmans aren’t doing their job.
2 months ago
You guys hate the fact that ADC itemization is terrible because it’s not balanced and not healthy for LoL
I (an intellectual) hate the fact ADC itemization is terrible because now ADC mains are actually justified in there complaining
2 months ago
The ***”… but, you have range!”*** excuse has gotten so old by this point.
2 months ago
Adc mains who are still mains this season deserve unlimited sloppy, idk how tf yall play this godforsaken role
2 months ago
I know that as soon as adcs gonna be able to do shit against bruisers and tanks again people gonna say they are busted again. It’s the circle of league.
The circumstances aside, a 24/8 full build draven critting for 116 is fucking funny
Randuins 2700g btw
why that camillie down 60 cs and 3 levels lmao.
Yeah this is the grossest clip I’ve seen. I can kind of understand Renekton being that tanky with randuins but Viego just has DD and a (shitty) armor component.
I’m ready for the next ADC focused split where Riot forgets high elo/pro players can take ADC’s mid again. Then they will panic and nuke the entire class for both mid and bot.
Not to mention he borderline played perfectly, dodged like shakira and consistently picked up his axes. This is genuinely problematic.
Dravens not allowed to kill tanks (Renekton and Viego) guys, only vayne kog maw and varus.
-people unironically
And the funny thing is that Assassins, which are supposed to be good into an ADC, cannot do anything to a Draven this strong
It’s just Tanks being tanks and Crit being horrible that makes this happen
Unironically make Crit anti tank skewed
It’s insane how much people try to play devil’s advocate for this shit, you’re telling me its okay that the class that it’s design to take out tanks through consistent damage and it’s its gatekept by items can’t take out tanks (in this clip it’s not even tanks its randuin’s+tabi combo) even when they have full build including boots upgrade.
Riot has been shitting the bed through the whole year in terms of balance, and we have reach the peak of awful design this last split. I genuinely hope that someone at riot notices and just calls out of the balance teams for this year shenanigans
Steelcaps + any armor item is so disgusting right now into ADC’s its not funny how unplayable the game gets.
I have been playing tahm kench support recently heart steel into warmogs.
the amount of times I have been able to solo a midlaner/jgler/ADC while 2-3 levels down on them is absurd.
tanks do way to much damage. period.
Should have just locked in Seraphine in champ select.
Clips like this are a big part of why I hung up the gloves on League. As an adc your margin for error is so razor-thin and you still feel useless even when you are frame perfect kiting and dodging skillshots.
Aaaaaaaaaaand your average redditor/tiktoker/instragammer/youtube silver 2 player will try and convince you this is fine, like the TK reptile clip. “hE lAnDeD 2 AuToS WhY WooUlDnT the AD LoSE”.
League of Legends is a terribly unbalanced game at the moment where bruisers/tanks are incredibly op and health is immensely overpowered, and ADC got every single item gutted for them
me as a crit adc when the enemy bruiser builds randuin:
like what are u even supposed to do anymore man
Aw man, they finished their armor boots and you no longer deal damage at 6 items, unlucky!
My god the copium is crazy in this comment section. Burham adc is finished.
As annoying as he can be sometimes, his axe control is incredible. It’s pretty nuts that Riot can’t seem to find a good balance for this role…
Am I crazy or was the meta in the last season of mythic items the best in a long while?
If it was against an Ornn, then I would say 24 kills doesn’t matter because it’s 32min late game and most champs have full build at that time. Also that Draven is known for not killing tanks well.
But it’s against a Renekton with a Randuins.
Tabi + randuins combo is way too strong.
Like, i get randuins is an niche item to counter crit, but it does so way too hard atm, doesnt feel right you can invest 3900 gold to completely neuter a 12~15k full damage build.
30% crit dmg reduction should be tied to the active and not something that is permanently on, base crit damage isnt even at 200% for it to warrant being that powerful, especially with how much health tanks are running around nowdays (heartsteel is not a healthy item, and health stacking as a whole is to strong when every single thing that could deal with it was nerfed in the item system).
Also tabi prob needs go to back to 10 or 8% damage reduction.
The only role thats supposed to have a shit early game, has to play around team, has no setup, has insanely expensive items, dodge all skillshots…all for the promise that late game you’ll be an equal threat as the mage who has none of those restrictions and then the reality is this lmao
Current meta is ass. Its the world of tanks and bruisers with only mages being able to deal with them (unless you’re playing Kog).
The funny thing is that an AD assassin, a class designed to kill ADCs, would’ve gotten killed by Draven prob 3 autos from full hp if they didn’t build Tabis and GA. Meanwhile, bruisers can just infinite drain tank while shielding 1k hp from items every fight while still one shotting champions who needs to build 5 damage items to do damage.
Armor pen items suck. Healing cut items suck.
Another great example why ADC should be renamed to attack damage support (ADS). A tank support is more useful late game than a standard marksman.
I would still expect like a 300 crit at the very least. This shit feels like OW GOATS meta
Saw a comment that said but renek built the correct items to counter draven it makes sense he can tank that much LMAO the same renek who can flash W Draven and oneshot the draven….
Tanks were more fun last season when they had Abyssal, Radiant, Evenshroud, Frozen heart as items that were cheap, weaker lategame, but still useful due to their effects they provide to their team.
Now, scale good due to Heartsteel, and Unending Despair, more expensive but strong steelcaps, and Randuins that doesn’t lose value late.
Frozen heart isn t the absolute best item vs AD, but completely useless vs any magic or true damage (which is way healthier) but just an inferior Randuins
This genuinely feels Like the League Community is in a Quest to find the Most riddiculous ‘adc gets fucked’ Clip. Next week we will have a 12/0 Twitch loose to a random mundo 3 Levels down and half HP and in a month someone will dig Up a mystical 22/1, 6 Item vayne free Hit an entire teamfight Just to get onetapped by a random ksante after 19 Seconds.
Should’ve ended faster /s
Jokes aside, this is filthy game balance. 116 damage on a CRIT is laughable
Even despite this clip, playing this game feels dogshit as an ADC. Especially in ARAM. Feels like AD’s have to position perfectly to output good damage. Meanwhile a tank can just faceroll through everyone and kill the AD in 5 seconds if they get on top of him.
Humzh just in time to make filthiest clip of the year
Don’t worry guys I’m sure Dantes doing top damage with Eclipse into full tank Hecarim means tanks are weak.
Full Tank(unending despair only “damage” tem) Jayce top being meta doing top damage means everything is working perfectly fine.
Akali going Deadmans into rift into abysall being meta is fine I think.
Riot is doing a bang up job !
I sure would love it if they finally decided it was time to nerf tank items
More tanky, more damage, more cc, more mobility, I almost want to say more range.
very hard to watch
Watch them nerf renekton and leona by 2 armor now
Feels like adc is the only role that constantly fluctuates in power throughout the year. Adcs in midlane really ruined it for bot laners man. Riot really needs to understand that marksman being played in mid, means there’s a bigger problem in the role, and the champs that should beat marksmans aren’t doing their job.
You guys hate the fact that ADC itemization is terrible because it’s not balanced and not healthy for LoL
I (an intellectual) hate the fact ADC itemization is terrible because now ADC mains are actually justified in there complaining
The ***”… but, you have range!”*** excuse has gotten so old by this point.
Adc mains who are still mains this season deserve unlimited sloppy, idk how tf yall play this godforsaken role
I know that as soon as adcs gonna be able to do shit against bruisers and tanks again people gonna say they are busted again. It’s the circle of league.