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“My God, what happened to your face? You should really put something cold on that!”

*death stares*

Well, at least you didnโ€™t get hit by a snowball!


RIP random front tooth in panel three

Kid’s got quite an arm too xD


Thank god you have affordable health insurance!



And that’s why snowballs were banned at my elementary school.

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We used to put rocks in themโ€ฆ we were crazy lol

I always expect to see the Family Guy death pose, no idea why

A Canadian right of passage

Might be a good idea to tell him now that it’s also not a good idea to put rock into it for extra weight.

Boston Snowballs

Kids are jerks

Domestic violence


(I am absolutely flabberghasted)

At least the glasses stayed intact. I don’t care what happens to my face, but i don’t function without my glasses

Kid got you

My brother did that but packed snow over it as if that would soften the blow. It did not.

Yeahโ€ฆ sometimes that is the only kind you can make.

When i was young, it as spending holiday break with my grandparents and teenage uncles. My uncles decided snowballs weren’t hardcore enough so they made iceballs over night to use against each other.

My older uncle threw one of these up in the air like a football to hit my younger uncle. Instead he hit my grandma, his mom, after she just stepped outside. Smacked her square in the face.

The three of us boys froze in terror and my older uncle ran into the woods, running like a bear was after him.

My uncle didn’t come back home for a couple hours lol.

Winter. A time for mittens. How convenient ๐Ÿ˜€


I lost 2 teeth and had to have 4 stitches because some asshat (middle school bully) thought it be funny to put a snowball in their freezer… with a fucking rock in it too.

I’ve literally never played in the snow like that again.

A good father in your life will make sure you know to not try that.

I once drew a comic about me doing this in grade school, accept it was formatted like an evil plan. One of many I was too chicken to carry out.

r/KidsAreFuckingStupid called and wants its real life content back.

“Hello, the Hauge? I’d like to report a war crime!”

Lmao I love your comics the faces are always so great


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