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his dog knows what’s coming 😭

Just a guy being a dude

Was he hoping to shoot COVID in the nuts when it gets to him or what?

Is bro rolling up? Lol

it’s so crazy how people all over the world reacted differently to the pandemic. Americans bought weapons, french bought condoms and germans toilet paper

lol I bought a Glock when everything shutdown. I bought a book entitled “how to eat in the woods”. I looked into building a well on my property to get fresh water. I really thought things were going in a different direction.

I started to grow weed when it hit. I was already armed because zombies have always been a concern

My work literally had a dude that had a bunker on his land that quit his job and that was the last time I had ever seen him.

Zombies rolling around on hospital beds followed by their ventilators

While he rolls one, classic

Hope unc is ok

Is that a MP5?

Rolling a blunt dude seems chill

Pups are the best! They even love crazy people!

“every little thing, is gonna be alright…”

is his plan to just shoot the covid cells

Scary time glad we made it.

“Hey uncle you were acting all survivalist during the pandemic haha”

“What pandemic?”

Is the dog okay..? IS THE DOG OKAY!!!!?

Discount I Am Legend

He is definitely a leg end.

Is this Jon jones?


Dang what a vibe tho

Your uncle a real one ☝️

Is that an actual MP5SD? Magazine looks wonky to me, but IDK.

That .22 “mp5” is adorable

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