The dickriding is crazy

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$10 million or the chance to be treated like shit all night by this table, only to then receive no tip?

If vaginal dryness was a picture

Why is Trump always physically fit in their imaginations?? like that’s some repressed homosexuality right there…..

The only thing these losers should be served is court papers

Just set the place on fire and slowly walk into the sunset…

The only thing you’re going to get from that table is stiffed. And maybe raped……..

You can tell that table must fucking smell

Lincoln would prefer another night at the theatre than spend a night with those jabronis.

You’d get an invoice from them instead of a tip.

I’ll wait it with poison wine

Is that supposed to be Lincoln? HAHAHA!

The creator of this picture must have a hole in his head.

Kick in the genitals or the chance to wait this table?

wait what did goggins do?

Why isn’t Donald morbidly obese in the painting 🤔

This is one of the saddest, most pathetic things I’ll ever see. Not only did they pick a group of corrupt and horrifyingly terrible people, but then their fantasy was just to wait their table?

Holy fuck, everybody. That’s as sad as it gets. Just…wow. Their parents must be depressed as fuck to see what they’ve become. And if not, they should be.

Andrew Tate…. What is he doing in the picture ?Wearing nothing below the waist but poorly filled budgie smugglers ?

Hear me out.

You forego the $10M and take the waiter gig.

Then you Luigi the fuck out of this whole table.

I just feel bad for what looks like the back of Abraham Lincoln’s head. This would be his version of hell

I’d bet money they aren’t gonna tip.

Is that Epstein top left?

I hope this painting is AI, the thought of someone with that much talent putting any amount of real effort into making that abomination is depressing

They painted the orange man way too skinny.

My vagina just dried up, shriveled and went up into my body even more. I’m not sure how that was possible

Feel like Lincoln would hate sitting at this table. 

They’re already waiting their tables they just don’t know it.

100% chance of zero tip. I can’t imagine wanting to blowbang a bunch of old assholes as much as MAGA fantasizes about it.

So a table with four rapey peados and the rest pseudo intellectuals or bottomed out has beens

Yeah I will take that 10mil every time.
Least i can make something with the 10mil. Ain’t no advice rapists, peados, failed intellectuals, con artists or grifters worth listening to

“There’s no reason for a 30 round assault magazine to even exist”

Your honor, I present Exhibit A.

The chance to hear Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson rant in simultaneously would be like having my ears stabbed out

I’ll pay the $10 million to not serve them.

None of these people would respect someone for passing on an easy 10 million. D.D.D

I’m not sure I’d serve that table FOR 10 million dollars

Let’s be honest here, not a single person on this table would tip properly if how they treat their employees is any metric to go off of

And when they get stiffed on the tip, they’ll glady approach it and think “wow, what a boss move” and continue to dick ride.

Republican gay fantasy in one picture. They love so much when those absolutely garbage men are hard pissing into their wide open mouth. Incredible.

id take the 10mil
actually id take just 10 dollars
actually not even 10 dollars, id accept a kitkat

Serve them what?

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