The sheer level of restraint here

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I have something to detox and cleanse that’s served me well for decades. I call it a liver.

Clean, to the point.

Also for those who might not know like I didn’t, this is the beginning of David’s wiki page:

>David Juurlink is a Canadian pharmacologist and internist. He is head of the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology division at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Ontario, as well as a medical toxicologist at the Ontario Poison Centre and a scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.

I think that toxicologist who has a wiki page AT ALL probably has a bit of credibility when discussing detox.

That’s doctor speak for, “Sure, Jan.”

I think for some people there’s value in a “cleanse”, if only because it gives them a few days off from throwing shit into their body that it doesn’t need.

Stop day-drinking for a week and yeah, you’ll feel better. Your liver is doing “the cleanse” all the time and it will enjoy the break.

When I saw “I see”, I heard “you’re a fucking moron”

Dietitian here, I get asked about juice and colon “cleanse” products all the time. I say the same thing about most supplements — if they worked, it would usually be an easy thing to prove.

Note: I take multivitamin, fish oil, ubiquinol, vitamin D, and a probiotic.

He definitely wrote a whole response, and his spouse told him to stop so he wrote that instead lol

If flushing her intestines of shit enhances her mental clarity, I think she’s doing it wrong…

I like to hold my breath, it gives my body a break from breathing so it can focus on helping me figure out spontaneous combustion.

You could also just eat healthy food. I know it’s a radical idea but damn if it doesn’t make my whole body feel better.

He’s not wrong, but neither is she. The benefits of fasting are pretty well established, but it’s not a cleanse of any kind. I don’t really see this as a murder.

Ok…. I know what he is saying is the truth and I believe what doctors say (ie no such thing as a detox or cleanse) BUT I did that insane lemonade cleanse thing (gallon of water, 9 lemons, cyan pepper, maple syrup, yada yada bullshit) and I will say that for those three days my 34 year old ass felt like I was 17 again.

No back pain, shoulder pain, fogginess, none of it. Now I’m sure there is a reason that one of you can explain to me, but it felt absolutely amazing and I try and do it at least every few months.

Please be kind when ripping me up.

To be fair to her, there’s lots of legitimate research out there on the physiological benefits of fasting. This guy is a toxicologist so his field would be relevant if she was touting some kind of concoction, but she’s not, she brought up fasting.

Water fasts do have research backed benefits though?

Hold on a “water cleanse” i.e. just drinking water would seem to have some benefits? Do I belong in idiocracy? I can’t believe that fasting for a few days and drinking only water has no positive benefits?

I mean she’s not exactly wrong.

She leads with that it depends what you mean with detox and cleanse. That makes sense since they’re not exactly well defined in this context. Then she lists some benefits of water fasting, most of which have some scientific backing.

The Detox people should do is to give up or cut down on alcohol. That is an effective detox.

This isn’t really a murder. She’s not talking about “detoxing”, she only mentioned that water fasting was at some point thought of as a “detox”. Fasting has been proven to have benefits, and although there’s less evidence surrounding the claims of reducing inflammation and benefiting mental states, some studies have suggested that it can.

She’s doing a 3 day water fast. He’s a quack if he doesn’t think that’s a good thing for most Americans.

I once knew a very smart man who responded to complete and utter bullshit with a kind and casual, “is that so?”

Every January I detox by: 1) halting my truly epic holiday alcohol intake, 2) switch from huge amounts of fat-and-sugar laden highly processed food to sensible amounts of lean proteins and steamed green vegetables, 3) resume regular sessions of cardio and stretching, and 4) reconcile with my liver that’s spent the holidays at the North Korean consulate, begging for asylum someplace relatively safe.

Pfft experts what do they know

I had someone tell me that mental illness was a result of gut problems.

Fasting is probably good for you occasionally, it’s got nothing to do with the bullshit she’s spewing but we evolved to hunt and going a day without eating would have been normal a million years ago, so you’re not doing any harm by skipping a few meals.

It’s not about reducing inflammation or removing toxins though, that’s insane, but with our shit diets these days, constantly consuming more calories than we need a day off from candy and soda is probably a good thing.

It’s probably not better than a day of eating salad, but if fasting is easier for you I wouldn’t discourage it.

People coming down pretty hard on Rosika here. She clearly states “it depends on your interpretation of ‘detox and cleanse”

Yours may be the standard English dictionary version, but her definition clearly means ‘ snake oil and bullshit ‘, so she’s not wrong.

When I was younger a detox just meant you were going to stop putting booze and drugs in your body for a while, and y’know what? That probably was a good thing to do and it probably did provide some measure of cleansing.

If you’re not treating your body like an amusement park most of the time, it’s nothing.

Fasting is the only known way of ramping up autophagy which is when the body recycles damaged cells and proteins. This is well known.

This David guy is probably an expert in his field but that doesn’t mean he is an expert on everything.

I had some dude argue at me that there is a place in Costa Rica where people go and have a supervised fast for two weeks to cure themselves from cancer. Can’t even make this stuff up.

She’s not wrong.

I’m on a cleanse too, it’s called “not eating fast food every day of the week”.

Super underground tech, not many people know about this one, had to do a ton of my own independent research /s

I have a cleansing routine of my own, I see someone trying to “poison” my body with their toxic bullshit and say “no thanks”, mute them and leave. Really good cleanse!

i’m in awe

Here’s a free and super effective toxin cleanse, you have this little thing called a liver and two little things called kidneys and two other big things called lungs. And these things are constantly cleaning everything that is you. So save your money people. Get a spa treatment instead or something .

“It gives your digestive system a break”. But it doesn’t though. Your digestive system is going to digest and cleanse your cleansing food and water too. Maybe not work as hard separating the shit but that’s about it.

You’re not a car. It’s not like getting an oil change and getting fluids topped off….

I may be wrong but not drinking water would hurt your liver right?

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