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Dang that’s low key smart

The true madlad move is stealing a Facebook joke and using it as your own.

I worked at McDonalds. That second person probably got their replacement for free. OP did nothing but delay everyone else in the drive thru line

A true r/mademesmile

I feel like this would work sometimes but any competent worker would ask the car behind if they are with the car in front, just to be certain.

Sure, kid… And then everyone applauded


this post is a stolen comedy bit.

Where do drive thrus have 2 windows anymore?

This is just some random stuff posted on social media

A legendary move.

How did he get the second receipt? In his phone?

So he ordered his own food at the drive through, then moved his car so the lady behind him could order, made her move her car again so he could pay for her food as well, then kept both receipts and drove off with both their orders… am I the only one seeing a problem here?

This is vicious in a great way

Joke as old as time, probably seen this repeated at least 10 times in standup and tweets

Too funny lmao

How they gonna hand you the receipt for shit she hasn’t ordered yet? 


they probably ran out of burgers and fries right after that. shes soo fucked

Did you really, Jarrett? Did you?

No you didnt


How did he get her receipt?

So he paid for her food BEFORE she ordered.

How do you pay for the person behind you??

Then when she pulls up to get her food she goes apeshit on the poor workers.

Well, that one’s going into the bag.

Unethical life pro tip

The only thing this did was inconvenience the minimum wage workers.

When she gets to the first window to pay, the workers will likely just retake her order and rush to make it, slowing down the whole drive through line for a few minutes.

You really showed her! /s

Actually though people who take forever to order piss me off. There should be a cut off lol.

I would’ve followed you home. Be careful

Hahaha this is fucking diabolical.

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