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That’s why I write all my code in assembly. It makes me feel like a real genius.

This is how most of everything in the world works, it’s called progress

it’s true and applicable to other areas of engineering as well.

It’s how society literally progresses

Everyone is standing in the shoulders of giants

Only difference is we build skyscrapers with LEGOS… at least thats what i like to think

It turns out those who go very deep into a subject will know more about what works or don’t.

I’m fairly sure I know more about certain specific subjects than 99% of other developers, but I’m not going to write my own web server just to avoid using nginx or caddy. 

But to any developer regardless of level: don’t be afraid to explore those subjects and build something for yourself. That’s how you learn.

Build your own web server if you want to (the http protocol can be very simple if you just want something to work). 

A small team from 5 years ago stumbled upon a partial solution for a really hard problem, hammered out 300k lines of code while drunk or high, and now your life is fixing all of it without causing any disruptions.

If it’s anything like adult LEGO sets it’s something that looks amazing on their resumé but is completely unworkable when an engineer actually tries to do something with it.

Shit breaking off at the slightest touch. Full on of non standard pieces that you cannot reuse for anything else.

Yeah … you shouldn’t use anything with wheels or even fire

This is how everything works… stand on the shoulders of giants to create something better and new.

I do agree a bit tho if the programmer ACTUALLY just copies and pastes shit without understanding anything, but that’s rarely the case.

If the pleb that built the lib is smarter than you on the basis of the lib existing, then you are most likely not a good developer.

Really, anyone, given the opportunity and desire to do so, can usually archive what is done.

Sure, there are certain libs written in support with other fields, but generally speaking? What prevents one from writing that very lib? Time.

So drop that “way smarter” already, the amount of idiots doing alleged “smart” things is gigantic in software

But actually creating, selling and supporting a product for many years is quite a lot of work and requires an other type of skill than the very deep theoretical knowledge.

When someone says “Legos” instead of “Lego”, I am reminded of people saying “codes” instead of “code”

we stand on the shoulders of giants

You can keep applying that logic though, and fewer and fewer people will be considered a genius.

I mean, let’s assume that person A is a “Lego” developer, and someone, person B made the Lego blocks they use. But did B write the OS? Did B build the computer? Did B construct all the components for the computer? Did B make all the tools needed to make all those components? Did B gather all the natural resources needed?

Everyone builds on top of the work of others. That’s how we got the advanced society we have, with the advanced technology.

There isn’t a person on Earth who can start with two bare hands and all the natural resources he can find in the wild, and build a running modern day computer. There are simply too many steps involved. Too many fields of knowledge and skills that each might take decades to master. It simply can’t be done in the lifetime of one person.

I’ve always said to my juniors, “This is why academic computer science exists. Because we need to get shit done.”

Here’s to you, real computing heroes!

I just call it ‘open-source genius.’

Yeah and I am in that one percent, namely I rarely know which pieces go where.

The Paleto distribution at its finest

Anything else than subsistence farming is just piggybacking on people who are/were way more smarter and/or hardworking than you are. Or, like, also piggybacked on other people’s accomplishments like the filthy casuals they are

My office is full of lego. This is not a coincidence

“Building on genius foundations!”

But… that was not invented by me!

For real it’s absurd how advanced the building techniques of Lego has become.

It’s called “standing on the shoulders of giants”

Except you can combine Legos any way you want. Long time ago we had a framework that should have been like Lego, just assemble and arrange the building blocks.

Except none of the blocks was solid and anything a previous block did leaked into the others. In the end you had to remake and reengineer the blocks for each project.

That’s why it’s called geni-us, not geni-me…

This one gets reposted like once a week it seems

Yes. But in the past I was involved in creating such elementary building blocks, and actually implementing solutions using those is also a skill.

I like the part where you’re designing an embedded system. You struggle to figure out how to design your system, come up with an elegant solution, then realize not only has someone done this before, the damn microcontroller was designed assuming you already wanted to do it that way.


We’re all standing on the shoulders of giants

Well I always liked legos and these legos also make me a lot of money. Best part is that nowadays I get to build these legos for myself and tons of people pay me to use the things I built with the legos.

Every huge company has a guy or two that works on their software from a basement somewhere in the world. The guys developing are not just smarter, they are completely inhuman in comparison to a regular engineer.

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