What are everyone’s thoughts on Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto (2006)

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Dude is racing against nature, enemies, and hurls himself off a waterfall to get back to his wife and kid. How could I not enjoy it?

I liked it for covering a piece of history that I knew nothing about. Then historybuffs did a review and was like, “you still know nothing”

Awesome fucking movie.

I am Jaguar Paw.. Son of Flint Sky. My father Hunted this forest before me.. My name is Jaguar Paw. I am a hunter. This is my forest. And my sons will hunt it with their sons after I am gone..

never rewatched it, but it was an intense wild survival ride once through

It’s immersive. I could totally empathize with the characters. I felt the despair and hopelessness. It’s one of those movies that becomes part of you in some way.

I raved about it so much that it convinced my parents to watch it. It’s so far out their wheelhouse that I was convinced they would both hate it.

Now they rave about it, as well. Its greatness, I truly believe, is undeniable

I was managing a movie theater in Austin and one Sunday night a young man and his girlfriend saw me and asked if they could sit in on the last half of this movie. I looked at him, puzzled, and he said, “It’s my movie, I’m in it.” I hadn’t seen the movie but I realized it was Jaguar Paw himself! He introduced himself as Rudy and I let him in the theater. Afterwards as people were coming out I said, “Hey if you guys liked this movie, tell HIM!” I pointed at Rudy and people were pretty surprised to see the star of the movie just standing there on a random Sunday night. He was very pleasant. Also, I still haven’t seen this movie.

The word masterpiece is thrown around a lot these days but in the case of Apocalypto it’s well deserved.

I watched it as a young kid. I loved it then, haven’t seen it since though.

I never watched it until it hit streaming a few years back during COVID. I was blown away and upset I didn’t get to it sooner. I have no idea how authentic it is, but it was very entertaining and a nice change of pace compared to all the other IP thrown at us these days.

Violence to a pornographic level.

It was a pretty great movie – I’m no historian but I do know quite a bit about Mayan history and I think the citadel scene is pretty accurate.
An interesting contradiction of an intelligent society skilled in mathematics,  astronomy, architecture, civil engineering etc awash in blood sacrifice and display of said sacrifice. Along with an incredible agrarian society-~~sans knowledge of simple crop rotation~~

I don’t view the conquistadors as “saviors” – I see them through Jaguar Paw’s eyes. Just as he saw the scene of the citadel. New and very different – not to be trusted. While the chasing warriors (familiar with societal hierarchy) looked on in awe and and expectation.

Meanwhile JP sticks to the forest and *his* tribe.

I get the hate for Mel (I think he’s suffered enough for a stupid drunken tirade in 2006 mind you) but the dude can make movies. Act Direct Produce. Dudes a legend


Say what you will about Mel Gibson, but the sonofabitch knows story structure

I speak Spanish and have spoken with many people of Aztec ancestry who really like this movie and say that it was well received in Mexico.

A movie you can watch without sound and still understand the whole story. Quite the accomplishment.

Great movie.

In the beginning when they kept messing with “Blunted” (I think that was his name). At one point an elder gives him chili peppers to help him conceive with his wife and she comes out with her mouth burning and him with his crotch burning. Guess they didn’t understand how conception works.


Jaguar Paw zigged and zagged and Rickon did not. For God’s sake people, always zig and zag in 2025.

Loved it!

Loved this movie. I’d give it an honest 9 out of 10. All around phenomenally done

It is among my ten favorite films ever made and one of the finest films of the 21st century

Excellent movie


It’s good. Mel Gibson is a weirdo and a tool but the guy can spin a fuckin yarn

I thought it was WAY Underrated

Mel Gibsons talent is evident in that he takes relatively unknown actors and pulled so much emotion out of them. And the movie barely has a sound track – most sound effects so the emotion the side feels is from story, actors, camera movements and a genius is of silence and pregnant pauses. Mel is a genius!

It’s in my personal top 10

Whenever I get the “what’s your favorite movie?” question, this is my answer. Generally get a few nods of acknowledgment from others who have seen it and a few strange looks from those that haven’t.

Thought it was really good. It’s been a while, so maybe it’s time for a rewatch.

It’s amazing. I love it it’s a hell of a ride. It’s sad, funny, exciting, and heart felt.

Loved it.

This is a great movie.

He literally had a beheaded head pov….that shit was wild AF.

There are some films where I feel like I am watching through a window in time. The warring city with the clear class divisions/encroaching plague/ corrupt theocracy… I think you could have seen a version of this fifty plus times in world history. You can sense the collapse, even as the corpses pile up out the back.

Apparently Mel Gibson isn’t a great guy but he’s a damn good director, this movies great and Hacksaw Ridge is possibly my all time favorite

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