Hate to say we told you so, sweet-cheeks.

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“I love the uneducated, they love me.” – Convicted Felon and Sexual Assaulter Donald Trump (formerly Drumpf)

Oh, so NOW they admit he should have gone to prison.

Is anyone truly so dumb they just realized this?

If only *someone* had warned them…

Some would call this “woke”.

Yes yes, but the other candidate was a *woman*, so that was simply impossible. /s

Ya think?

You mean a narcissistic habitual liar and drifter LIED TO YOU in support of yet ANOTHER GRIFT for the sole benefit of HIMSELF?


Wait, the deplorable morons are actually learning something?

When Trump was elected, MAGA were frustrated bc Dems response was just shaking our heads and waiting for the fallout.

This is why.

It was only a matter of time until Trump fucked over his own base. That’s what grifters do!

“We were basically used”, you can stop there…



#*__WE TOLD YOU SO!!!__*

Thank you.

Wow so if his base doesn’t like him, and the rest of us don’t like him.. that means the whole population would be against the government… hmmm, might be a scary situation for those in power

So eggs aren’t getting cheaper and there won’t be peace in the Middle East? Well this is shocking… s/

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Just send this to everyone 😂


They knew he was doing this to keep himself out of prison. They were fine with that.

They just didn’t believe he’d sell them out for his buddies to leverage more offshore cheap labor.

I don’t get it. You’re mad you got duped by a complete fraud, yet you still keep his picture as your avatar.

It was like 70M people tried to warn them…



I’m not trying to be THAT guy, but I really hope all these posts I see of people realizing they’ve been duped are real. I find it hard to believe, after hearing all the stupid shit from them for the last 8 years, that they’d ACTUALLY wake up to it

Are people finally at the finding out stage.

See you next election when you fall for this shit again

lol how stupid do you have to be to trust a word out of Donald trumps mouth. I fucking swear to god it wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t so shockingly ignorant

Another example proving you cannot fix stupid.

I’m all about reinforcing the memory of the time those people devoted their lives to a guy who was only running to avoid prison.

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Just remember, though, amplifying their rage will do far more to undermine Trump than expressing schadenfreude will (although it’s not nearly as fun, I know)

Helen Keller saw this shit coming and she’s dead.

Now? Now they finally get it.

watching idiots catching up to what we already knew before they elected him is almost amusing.

Poor trumpers. Their dreams of 4 years of our government being mean to the darker skined folks are being shattered. Why don’t I feel bad for them? Is it because they spent the last 45 years voting for “free-markets” and crappy overpriced healthcare?

This MAGA infighting has been fun to watch but I just don’t see it mattering long term.

Trump getting as much support as he has really made me feel dejected about being an “American”. It’s really sad to see that almost half of this country is hateful, uneducated, and just kinda mean. We should be working together to make this country better, not destroying the lives of people they don’t like over things that don’t even affect them personally. I could go on and on about how people are brainwashed into thinking the rich earned or deserve their wealth because they’re “better” and they believe in the back of their heads that if they just work hard, they can be a millionaire or billionaire one day too. There’s a phrase I’ve seen a few times that says something along the lines of people seeing themselves a temporarily embarrassed millionaires and that makes them trick themselves into thinking they have more in common with Elon Musk than they do with the immigrants working in their area.

Yeah, yeah… you’d still vote for him tomorrow. They’ll never learn.

*Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, won’t get fooled again. — W*

No we don’t 😉


What was this specifically in reference to? Just want to make sure I haven’t missed any juice

Who could have seen this coming, other than anyone paying attention?

None of them did their own research??

Is reich wing news actually reporting this? It came up at my in-laws’ over the weekend and none of them had heard of it.

Yeah no shit Sherlock, we told you that months ago


Knowing all this most of them would go to the polls tomorrow and vote for him all over again, such are their brain washed little minds that they think they hate Dems so much that they will not vote for anyone that wants policies that would help them.

Yes. That is exactly what happened. OMG these people are SO STUPID.

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