Titan – Gator Days (OC)

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Hannah is on the verge of going full Rosa from Brooklyn Nine Nine.

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The dog is very egg shaped

Now I’m waiting for a Titan and Mewbert collaboration

Imagine Titan with a ribbon :3

Titan is an awesome small dog name

We’ve all been there! The uglier the dog, the more in love I am

Ok I know this isn’t an original question with literally anything with human like animals but like… haven’t we seen dog charecters before? How does this work?

I also own a small dog named Titan. He’s my avatar

My dog of 14 years passed and a week later I was at a friends house, his giant Great Dane decided that I needed to sit down and let him press his face up against mine. I was like, wow, I’ve known you five seconds and you’re already my best friend.

Reddit needa, nay, the world needs see Hannah and Titan with Tacos costumes.

Agree 100%. It’s funny how animals can have that effect on us.

Round Boi Titan officially owns my heart.

Titan is suspiciously orb shaped. I approve.

Id die *and* kill for Titan

Hannah is the Goat, no pun intended…. well… maybe a little pun intended~

Hannah is correct. I too would die for that cutie. Also how nice that Hannah is so willing to help her neighbor

All this slice of life stuff with animals is good, but have you thought about adding in a wizard-adjacent kidnapping and an Isekai plot? Could really spice things up.

This is gonna get weird when one of the characters down the line is an anthropomorphized dog or cat.

It’s gonna be like the Goofy/Pluto nonsense that Disney has going on.

If only she knew Titan when he was young and strong.

“Alexa. Play the dog theme from Undertale.”

Reminds me of how we chose our cat River. My mother-in-law wanted a kitten so we sat on the floor to look at some she had found. She went to go grab one and I just pet the mom and the kitten that is now River decided that she was just going to stop eating and come curl up in my lap. My tabbies are such love bugs.

These comics are delightful. No matter the age of the reader. Thank you.

Now im worried about the implications of canid characters because dogs are canon. Would it be likr someone owning a monkey or something?

This is the way.

I don’t like the existence of pets in this universe. This raises a lot of Goofy/Pluto vibes that makes my scalp itch.

OP has a bot farm upvoting his cartoons. Lame as fuck.

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