This Did Apparently Happen (Links in the Comments)

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“Eric Trump


Earlier today, a reported electric vehicle fire occurred in the porte cochère of Trump Las Vegas. The safety and well-being of our guests and staff remain our top priority. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Las Vegas Fire Department and local law enforcement for their swift response and professionalism.”

No mention of the brand of “electric vehicle”. LOL

LOL! Dumpster fire! So perfect.

In the buisness this is called foreshadowing.

So an immigrant came to the US, built thousands of mobile IEDs, and distributed them around the country? /s

A con flagration

It’s even better that the truck is based on cyberpunk sci fi, where the world is run by ultra capitalist corporations that have complete control over society

I’m in Vegas. It absolutely did happen. At about 8 am this morning.

Cringius Maximus showing off his fire mixtape

I think I speak for everyone here in saying that truck looks wayyy better on fire!

Amazing really – must be staged as is just too perfect….


This is so on the nose that it almost feels staged lmao

Who says any theoretical God or gods don’t have a sense of humor?

Garbage can turning into a dumpster fire in front of a dump.

Trumpster fire of a year lol

It almost looks like political street art

Looks like 4 more years of fascism for us(a)

was it a car bomb or did it just randomly catch fire?

This definitely feels like a purposeful statement

Amazing the year is less than a day old and we already have photo of the year.

And God said, “You weren’t paying attention, so…”.

wow as a redditors this gives me a hecking bonerino

I bet Elon will end up banning this pic once it turns into memes

Yep, dumpster fire in front of Trump building. Sometimes, the jokes write themselves.

Could fact stop being stranger than fiction..*FOR 5 MINUTES?!*

The fire department didn’t use water.. lol

African burning down the White House ?

Apparently one death has occurred from this exploding cybertruck. RIP to the individual.


Consider Murica Great Again. Boom.

Looks like a scene from robocop.

This has made my day!! Happy New Year!

Literally the first day of new year and it’s already crazy

A Trump dumpster fire

Trump & Musk perfectly represented in a real life photo.

..and it’ll be all downhill from here.

Musky shouldn’t be a part of any investigation. It’s a conflict of interest…

Dumpster fire at the dump.

The perfect scenario would have been the Trump tower burning down from the dumpster fire Tesla…👍

I heard someone said it was a terrorist attack

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