In 2010, the Bitcoin Faucet website gave away 5 bitcoins to every visitor who passed a captcha

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now I know where to go as my 10 year old self if I ever go back in time.

Wish there was a hack to the wayback machine

I used to run a bitcoin faucet site. I totally forgot about that until this post. Now I don’t feel too great. lol

Roughly half a million dollars (1 BTC = 95,640USD, 5 BTC = 478k) for solving a captcha.

Crazy stuff.

I crunched the numbers, and apparently 2010 was 15 years ago. Father Time is a dick

Back in the day I visited there a couple if times using two different wallets, then transferred the coins between the wallets & then exported them (encrypted) to a flash drive & a paper backup.

Fast forward to today & no longer remember where that drive is or what it looked like & the paper backup was probably shredded long ago.

But hey, if I still had access I would most likely have already spent them long ago.

In college I used to give my all my friends a few bitcoin telling them to hang on to them because they’d be worth something some day. Gave away well over 50. Ended up losing all of mine playing poker (over 3k) then losing interest and moving on.

I’ve had multiple of them reach out in the past years thanking me for their new car, downpayment on a new house, etc. Very happy for them, but it definitely keeps me up at night.

I think i vaguely remember that site…and laughing thinking it was some kind of scam.

5 BTC today would be US $478,000.

I still don’t understand where the money comes from :/

Don’t forget that dude who spent thousands of bitcoins to order a pizza.

When I tell people of this they don’t believe me. These types of thing were all over Reddit’s front page back in the early 2010’s.

Hi, is this still avaliable?

Ohhh so that’s what I should have been doing Instead of going to primary school

Imagine being one of those visitors casually grabbing 5 BTC back then and forgetting about it. Fast forward to today, that’s like finding a winning lottery ticket in your old jeans. Truly a missed opportunity for most of us!

I was there Gandalf..

Free 700k?

Damn I wish I got into Bitcoin when I was 10 years old.

Sigh. I did it but tossed the paper wallet in a cleaning fit, one evening. 😞

I just wish I had listened to my friend in 2009 when he started telling me about them. He mostly used all his to buy various psychedelics through the dark web, lol.

Back in 2010 we didn’t have internet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) hahaha


I was very good at capchas in 2010.

750 still available when it was archived haha

I hate my life

Anyone still offering this?

Thanks, I will go there once I finish building a time traveling machine.

I used this in 2011! By then it was down to 0.02 BTC, but I successfully held onto it long enough to make a few thousand bucks.

[Piss off bot](

i wish i knew where to find my bitcoin wallet

In 2010 if I opened that, I’d think it’s a virus or phishing website. Even if I downloaded it, Bitcoins were so worthless I’d lose them anyway.

damn thats interesting

Are they already trying to sue it back from people? Like „A typo has been detected in your contact information, so we cannot be 100% certain it’s really you, so transfer the BTC back to us in the transaction reversal process within the next 5 business days, else we see ourselves urged having to sue you..“

I will try to use wayback machine, but shhhh. Do not tell anyone!

Umm hello just turn the website back on? 🤦‍♂️

And I cry every time

I should’ve been doing this shit back in 2010 instead of learning my fucking alphabets

Oh I completely forgot about the Faucets

Nobody knows what’s next




In 2015 I read an old comic about the volatility of Bitcoin at the time. Son: hey dad can I get twenty bucks to buy Bitcoin? Dad: What? You need ten dollars? I cant believe you would ask me for for thirty dollars. Where would I get 23.75?

i remember my amd athlon k2 would mine about 1 bitcoin a week back in my college heyday. And the orange box was just about to come out.

i lost all my bitcoin when i forgot my encrypted volume password. oh well

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