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But when did chicken eggs appear.

The rooster came first

Well, I thought the egg came first

The egg was always an egg. The chicken evolved from something that was not a chicken.

Ok but is the question asking did the chicken or egg in ANY form come first? Because I always took it as the chicken or the chicken egg came first. In which case it would have to be the chicken existing to even lay and incubate the egg. Have I been thinking about this wrong or is this a generalized version of the question?

Pretty sure the question is chicken egg not any egg

What came first, the chicken or the egg? I ate the chicken, and then I ate its egg

I learned about that this last semester in college. My vertebrate biology proffessor loved sharing this one. Also the asteroid hit earth 66 mya

Chicken had to come first because the shell needs an amino acid produced only by a chicken. 🐓



the Chegg

Obviously egg came first.

The rooster came first. It’s pretty basic if you don’t understand ask your mom

Alright, great. So did the turtle or the egg come first? And so on until the first egg laying creature.

It’s the egg, because the egg that contained the first chicken was laid by something that was almost, but not quite, a chicken.

Everything is constantly changing into something else, “chicken” is just a word for something that exists in our world at this moment in time. When one thing turns into another is basically semantic, but if we did make an arbitrary line the first chicken will have 100% started as an egg.

define egg

Joke’s on you, evolution is liberal psyop. The world started as described in Genesis when Adam and Eve signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Chickens came first, created by the deep state to distribute fluoride into our bodies to turn our children trans

Whichever came first left the other disappointed

It’s an evolution vs creationism question

But what about the chicken’s egg?


My logic:

If dinosaurs came from eggs.

Chickens evolved from dinosaurs.

Then, the egg was first before the chicken.

The right answer is the Rooster “came” first 😂

The chicken came first from the hand of god just like god created a female and male like a piece of art clay

Any person with basic knowledge of evolutionary development would know the egg comes first.

My rational was that the thing that laid the egg was very slightly genetically different to modern day chickens and when it laid the egg the dna mutated ever so slightly (as dna does) and the egg became pretty much an egg containing a modern day chicken, which then hatched.

that’s not the type of egg that’s in question. the question is does the egg belong to the mother of the first chicken (the proto-chicken), or does it belong to the offspring (the chicken)? if it belongs to the mother, that egg is technically not a chicken egg as it was laid by the proto-chicken.

Wait, is this…

Ex ovo omnia: everything from out of an egg (Ovid)


The debate is whether a non-chicken can lay a chicken egg.

It’s just a silly artifact of how humans feel the need to classify and name things.

What came first, the egg or the reptile?

A majority of these arguments are linguistics. I always thought this was a creationist vs evolution debate. If evolution, it’s pretty clear the egg came first in that the species was newly formed in the egg. It’s quite silly to need offspring of a species before it’s called that species. I’m not going to argue with creationist tho

My interpretation has always been related to the chicken and the egg that produces the chicken. In that case, it would be the egg. The creature that laid the egg the chicken would hatch from wouldn’t have been a chicken, but an extremely similar creature.

Evolution is a process by which offspring of a species end up being a different species.

A chicken in its modern form by definition hatched out of a chicken egg. Anywhere there is a chicken, an egg came first. Therefore, a chicken egg was laid by something which was not a chicken. Therefore, the egg came first.

Yeah but this question has never been about the easy answer… the chicken and the egg question is a Creationism vs Evolution question… If you believe in God, then the Chicken came before the egg.. If you believe in evolution the egg came before the chicken.

a bird that was just genetically different enough to not be considered a chicken came first

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