Well, well, well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions

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my brother didn’t learn to work a washer or dryer until his mid 20s because he moved out. I was washing clothes at 9. The way some people raise kids is misogynistic.

My mom and my aunt always blamed my uncle for various messes, chores not being done, and food getting snacked on. This worked great until he went to college, and one of them tried to reflexively blame him for something, before Grandma said, “I don’t think Bob traveled hallway across the state to not do your laundry.”

They only miss you when you’re gone!

Remember that episode of Everybody Hates Chris when Rochelle threw Chris out the house for not cleaning up Drew and Tanya’s mess? Same thing!

Only child but one time I came home from college and the first thing my dad said was how great it was to have help again. Not like, I missed you or how are you. Just, finally some help.

He was surprised when I tried so hard to move out. He doesn’t live there anymore but I think somewhere in the old house, the audacity is still floating around tucked away

Before I moved out the house used to be clean every night. In fact my mother would rage if it wasn’t. My mom has been evicted from an apartment because of the dirty conditions they found it in while doing repairs one day and the apartment she lives in now with her 6/10 kids plus on again off again husband is totally disgusting. It looks like a hoarders house. The walls are legit covered in dirt and mold. 

How funny it is because the morning I moved out she raged over the dishes not being done 😏🤭😌

Yup, lots of bad parents. Then the kid grows up and wonders why they keep getting dumped.

I’m 7 years older than my brother and was parentified since elementary school while my brother could get away with whatever. Imagine my parents surprise when he turned out to be incredibly immature with no discipline whatsoever and I was always “the best child they had”

I really never understood why parents wouldn’t want independent and pragmatic children. I can empathize with preparing them for a more traditional home style life and all the expectations that come with that but shit happens. When it does, you should be able to meal prep, clean your house, clean your ass, and do basic car work without waiting on someone else!

when people say boys are easier to raise than girls what they really mean is that they wont bother to teach them anything

I wasn’t taught jack shit as a kid. I just eventually learned it on my own later on.

One of my younger coworkers thought my fascination with cooking was gay. I told her my mom taught me how to cook at 14 and when I turned 15, one day I asked what’s for dinner, she said , “Idk, go make it.”

These parents raise their kids to be useless who end up going out trying to find a partner to replace their parents so they can keep the cycle of laziness going and it’s crazy.

I think this has a lot to do with how many years apart the siblings are. Your parents are quite literally different people when they have children several years apart from each other, especially if your parents had kids at a younger age. People change and as a result, their parenting changes as well with different children.

Moved out for college. 1st month in, my dad calls and says that my brother is so lazy, doesn’t get any job done in the house, and is always out. That call was music to my ears after telling them for literal years I was doing everything in that household

I think that’s sad. I raised my sons and my daughters the same. All washed dishes at 10. All had rotation of chores. I mean my sons washed clothes, scrubbed toilets and mopped floors. My girls took trash out, hubby and I did the lawn. But there were no gender chores in my house with five children. I don’t blame you for dipping out because that’s just not cool to ensure you do your part but not them. They just set themselves up to be forever parenting. Not round here partner. Good for you!!!

Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions

I grew up the being the non-contributing kid and it lasted through college. I didn’t realize it at the time and nobody said anything, at least not to or around me. Once I got married I realized how much I didn’t do and thank God I have a patient wife who understood I couldn’t change overnight or get it all right on the first try. Our 3 sons definitely all have age appropriate cooking, cleaning, and general life skills. These cycles can be broken and for the do-er in these dynamics I’d suggest speaking directly to the one not doing, kindly. If they don’t listen that’s on them but do one last thing for them and try.

I was the Cinderfella of my household between my uncle a year and a half order than me and my brother 4 years younger than me. I did all the house chores, Irond, my mom uniforms for the week damn near every Sunday, along with yard work, which i hated.

When I got grown, I asked my mom what was that about, and the only thing she said was we told you to do it because we knew you would do it right the first time. I asked her, so instead of trying to make them do better, you gave me more work? She basically just said yeah. We were raised by my mom and grandma. My has passed, and out of the 3, I’m the only one who never moved back home. Brother and Uncle stays with my 80-plus year old grandma. She still can’t get them to do shit. We’re all in our late 30s and early 40s.

I’m middle child of three boys. I use to have to get active with my little brother cause he was a thief. “Don’t beat up your brother, learn to turn the cheek” ass niggas. Fast forward now he steals my mom’s weed and drinks up all pops liquor. Meanwhile my bounty is aplenty, because fuck em that’s why

I remember my narcissistic abusive mother kept calling me lazy and messy and how I was never doing anything at home to help her and when I moved out I remember one phonecall where she said “I realized how much you actually helped I’m so overwhelmed with it all now” and I’m like lmao bitch too little too late. Anyway i’m no contact now

Wasn’t this the sub coming for us only children just a few hours ago?

I learned to do my own laundry at 9 not sure what my brother learnedbut at 34 he still lives at home thank God that is not me

My mom did the same shit. Grew up hearing “Women are meant to keep the household clean, raise children, eat less…etc” missed multiple days of school for that stupid shit while my older brother got to do whatever he wanted.

Years later she wonders why I never visit

My mom used to always blame us kids for the mess. Now we’re grown and out of the house with places of our own that we all keep pretty clean. My mom’s house is still a mess. I guess it wasn’t us after all.

“The Dildo of Consequences rarely arrives lubed”

– unknown

My fiancé did the same thing.

My boyfriend didn’t know how to sweep, do dishes, mop, do laundry, *anything*. He only learned at 21 when we got our own place. His mom didn’t see a reason for him to do anything of these things. She’d even clean his room for him – although he didn’t want her to.
I had an old teacher that made money off of her peers who didn’t know how to do anything, when they were in college. She would basically do their housekeeping/ordering/cooking and if they didn’t want to pay her anymore, she’d charge them for “lessons”. She went to school with relatively well off people where this was common, so she made a lot of money.

I thought this was a youngest child thing. I’m the middle child, only girl with two brothers. My younger brother gets away with not doing anything despite being almost 17. Then my mom and dad get mad when I call him out and say I should just do the chore if I see it needs to be done. I’m not sure what changed in them with having their third kid, but it’s the most frustrating shit ever. Bro has never cleaned a bathroom in his LIFE but somehow I get in trouble for telling him about himself 😞


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