Snowy Moscow, January 1, 2025. Putin on the screen declares “Year of the Defender of the Fatherland”

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Blade Runner meets Big Brother

What happened to the motherland?

The most dystopian photo of the year so far. Empty streets, a gray landscape, and a propaganda screen.

Edit: The picture was taken from Alexander Gronsky F/B page. I can’t post the link here, but if anyone need the original, you can find it at his page

That building looks like a ship from *Star Wars*.

“Welcome to City 17.”


Well at least he admits he’s no longer on the attack, the cunt.

Year of the asshole 

JFC. That’s the kind of scene I would expect on my way to get my soylent green rations after working in a silent, dreary cubicle doing a repetitive, unimportant, life-sucking job.

Fatherland?  I thought it was the motherland?

1984 vibes right there.


Well Russia congratulations on your transition. I guess you go by he/him now?

This and the Cybertruck explosion outside of Trump tower are the most honest representation of the dystopian hell we were warned to avoid is here.

welcome, you have chosen or have been chosen to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers.

Big turnout

Looks like a lovely place, no wonder Russians are so happy with everything!

Year of the dead* defender of the fatherland.

Too bad he can’t declare a year of defender of the people.

*Year of the invader of a sovereign nation (by use of every atrocity possible).

Is there anyone more evil than Putin today?

It didn’t turn out good for the last guy that made a statement like that…🤞🇺🇦💪

So this is their Times Square?

I don’t support the capital punishment in general. But there’s room for exceptions. I’m sure they would welcome him in hell if there was such a place.

half life 3

That’s some Orwellian shit right there, god damn. Ironic that the same people that scream “1984” at everything anyone left of Trump does seem to take no big issue with this.

Man, this is fucking bleak

Can I play Red Dead on that screen?

Dystopian AF

Looks like something from Half Life. City 17 or what was the name.

Putin looks so lonely up there…

Oh yes he DEFENDED so much.. didn’t he kill like 500k Russians though?

My god, that’s a dystopian scene if I’ve ever seen one.

He’s such a pathetic and weak looking little man. It’s remarkable how much power he’s collected.

Dystopian as fuck

Attention, Bajoran workers.

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