does he include himself

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Weird that this wasn’t his stance after they caught his good friend Epstein.

The term rapist doesn’t mean the same thing to them as it does to other people. You know like how if people disagree on policies they’re «pedos» and so on. There’s no connection. They’re just gonna throw the word around at anyone who opposes them, not actually hold rapists accountable.

It never includes him, because he believes the law doesn’t apply to him. I guess that’s why he got Matt Gaetz on-board as well. What an absolute clown, what a mockery of humanity.

The next 4 years gonna be wild, pray for us world we need it

Like the gay congressman voting against gay rights

He should hold the inauguration in the chair then; one hand on the bible the other on the switch.

A death penalty for rape is a good way to encourage rapists to murder the only witness

As long as the rapists are not Christian white males.

Well, he can handle one just with some alone time, a rope and a very strong beam

He’s not just an ordinary rapist, either. [Donald Trump raped a 13-year-old girl.](

These are just the crimes we know of.

Mark my words, he will consider all immigrants and other “undesirables” to fall under this umbrella and use it as an excuse to start firing up the gas chambers. Just wait and see.

We really need to stop electing rapists to the highest office in the land.

Want law and order? go sit your ass in a cell

Dude, you’re a convicted criminal. Fuck off thug. You’ll never be my president.

Didn’t he just get ordered to pay 5mil to a sexual assault victim?

Do we get a reward if we bring him in?

Just watch. He’ll slowly start including “drug dealers” in that list. Then he’s like two steps away from being Duterte and letting vigilante hit squads on motorcycles kidnap and murder anyone they want without penalty by just saying they were drug dealers.

Doesn’t he remember when he got charged for raping E Jean Carrol? Oh, wait, right. Forgot the old fuck had dementia…

Wow,the idiot doesn’t even know he is a rapist.

Trying to get rid of competition

7 times on the Lolita Express. Seven.

As soon as the death penalty is a thing, the government can then legally kill any dissenters by framing them. The death penalty is not a good thing.

I am forever tired out by people in power who have an immunity to hypocrisy.

Yeah this seems straight out of Project 2025. Next they’ll classify trans folks sexual predators so they can put them to death. Then continue snowballing until like what…poor people are?…murderers some how? I don’t understand how anyone who hasn’t read a fucking history book thinks this is good idea. I’ll kill a pedophile any day. We can all agree murder and rape is bad… but what’s a fucking “monster” to them? Whatever they want? Like ahhhhh….Jews? Gays? Foreigners? Mexicans have a drug cartel so all Mexicans are monsters therefore; put any Mexican to death? I’m living in a dark comedy here, like this shit has been done before. I’d classify UHC’s CEO’s decision making while running the company murder… but that doesn’t seem to count apparently.

I bet 20$ this means they are going to make more false charges and rush them through trial

Don’t be fooled. This is a not so subtle allusion to immigrants who he regularly refers to as rapists and murderers.

What does he mean by “monsters”? I know this just bluster, but is there a legal term set aside to define what a monster is?

It is hilariously insulting that MAGA Americans voted for a felon over a state’s “top cop” and still claim they want law and order

It’s an excuse to execute brown people. The only reason to pursue the death penalty is for general deterrence and that’s already in place and does little to prevent murder if the murderer is intent on carrying it out. This is all bluster to pad the narrative for when he starts killing immigrants accused of violent crime.

As a reminder, a large reason we don’t have the death penalty for rape is that if murder has an equal or lesser charge than rape, then there is a negative incentive to keep your rape victim alive.

I hope there is a video broadcast of Donnie hanging himself. Leading by example…

What does monster mean in law?
Definition and Citations:

A prodigious birth; a human birth or offspring not having the shape of mankind, which cannot be heir to any land, albeit it be brought forth in marriage.

Sounds like he is the one what wants post birth abortions to me

The Republicans are no longer the party of smaller government. They are the party of zero self awareness.

Half the cabinet is nervous.

The lack of self awareness is unbelievable.

He’s going to advocate for himself to be executed?

Rich white guys don’t count though…they never are held accountable, Trump means poor people, especially if they are even the slightest shade of brown

Dude with almost 100 indictments wants a nation of law and order? If we had that, he’d be in jail.

This stunt is realized by a professional. Do not try this at home.

I think he added the classifier “violent” to exclude himself. Although i dont actually know the details of his shit, i just assume it would be more huffy and sweaty than violent. But, the definition of violent can vary by person. Trying to analyze douche’s words and actions gets dizzying

Only in America….


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