Secret – Gator Days (OC)

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The human remains the most jarring reveal so far in Gator Days lore

I arrived so early to see the post.
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Is this the first human we’ve seen?

Such a sweet little gremlin.

I have a secret too. This comic is awesome! Shhhh don’t tell anyone

I love that Gwen forms an immediate pact with Olivia about keeping this secret.

I’m so jarred by human I have no other comment besides Olivia is adorable and I love her

The background makes it look like they’re hanging out in foggy old London.

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New reaction image unlocked. I love this face. 🤣

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So is it like an animal crossing thing, where only 1 human is allowed to live in a village?

This is like bad guys but in reverse, everyone else is an animal, while there is just a human, randomly

I’m looking forward to the inevitable Gator Days/Elf crossover with the existence of humans

Gwen knows how to handle sibling friendships!


I think those girls want to be roommates.

That diabolical laugh of releasing secrets!

I still find it weird that there are humans. XD

Human jumpscare

She had better relay the message that Gwen thinks Olivia is cool.

Daweee Olivia is such a sweetheart

I had no idea there were regular humans going around. The animal people must find them super weird.


Loving the hanging out, but we’re both on our phone aspect to this.

I hope that’s not actually a human, but a pig or hairless monkey wearing a wig

In this universe, did some animals evolve sapiance or is this the result of genetic engineering that wiped out most humans?

furry lesbians

Yoo no way first human

Those are always funny, or wholesome, or both.

Keep it up!

Love the coloured contacts the elder sibling wears!

I have to say, I really appreciate how uplifting these strips tend to be. Unless there’s a special reason for the sake of setting up a scene or a punchline, all the animals tend to be nice to each other and very considerate, building each other up when possible.

Gwen’s oddly adorable for a human. She seems very “chill” and slow-paced compared to most of the animal people we see. But now I’m curious what the other animal people think when they see a human and an ape side by side. Are there both dog people and wolf people as well? Can the other animals tell them apart from one another? Would mistaking “adjacent” or ancestor species for one another be racist in-universe? It wouldn’t be unreasonable to mistake a human for another ape species or vice versa, if they all wear the same kind of clothes.

So many questions! They all look so cute with the way they and their movements are drawn, the existence of humans as a fully integrated member of the animal kingdom opened a lot of doors that I feel like were probably never factored in when writing these mini plots and gags.

Have you ever thought about getting your comics published? It would be cool to own a physical copy of gator days.

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