Pretending to be a doctor doesn’t make you one

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I feel like he got high and wanted to see if his dumb followers would believe

Is it me or does Leon just blurt out stupid stuff all the time?

Let’s play along with the clown logic. Infant brains, and skulls, grow larger over many generations due to c-section only births. So, we will have selectively bred infants that cannot be born vaginally/naturally. Nope. Cant see any issues with that

“What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

Republicans are weird.

Human women evolved wider hips to give birth to large-headed human babies. Also, we give birth much earlier than most mammals in order to allow the head to grow outside the womb.

…..did he really say that? I’m shocked and also not surprised

I didn’t have 1920s **eugenics** phrenology on my bingo card.

Jesus fucking christ. He’s into phrenology now? Ugh. What a piece of garbage.

Elon’s the only person who has come out of a persons ass to be this stupid

Complete bullshit, I was naturally born and I can’t wear most hats. (Headaches are like migraines for me too)

I’m guessing he was a c-sec birth and just wants to be special? If I knocked my head against his, it’d pop like a conker…

Doing drugs again Elon?

Nazis always have the most bizarre lies

They used to believe that the size of a persons head was a direct indication of a persons IQ back in Victorian Britain then we got a more advanced understanding of medicine and that was considered a dumb thing to believe in the 20th century. Then we got social media and everyone started believing dumb outdated stuff again in the 21st.

Is the head even the largest part in a birth to begin with? We aren’t talking about homunculi here, after all

The ketamine is talking again

You’re not a doctor so STFU and sit tf down

Wow, he really does know everything about everything 🙄

Homosapiens have been around for how long?

What percentage of that time have cesarian sections been performed?

What a f*ckwit


And there are people who think this man is a genius. We’re fucked.

Apparently he found out he was a C-section baby. Trying to overcompensate as usual!

disciples do not regard truths.

Such a genius, I totally trust him to get us to Mars in a rocket that looks like a PS1 model

Hoop game! Let’s see if I can think of some shit to make this make sense…

So the birth canal is the reason head size is what it is. (We’re going to accept this as fact because it physically makes sense and I’m not doing research)

If humans would only use c-sections for birth, then overtime the size of a baby would be allowed to increase without being limited.

However, the birth canal can get very big and the baby human head is made for the process.

And, *if* a baby is ever too big for a birth canal, then we would perform a c-section anyway.

So yeah, if by making stuff up and trying to find anyway for it to make sense in this, it still doesn’t.

But guess what! You lost the game.

The fuck? This is a real tweet and not supported by scientific evidence. He really needs a middle man to ‘ok’ these tweets. I think they eventually set something similar up for Trump because his tweets became so unhinged and unpresidential. 

Idiot savant

For every million Musk has madr he lost one IQ point.

Again they are trying to control women’s bodies. Seriously a c-section is major abdominal surgery

Side note: as far as I know there is no correlation between larger than average brains and higher intelligence. There is a correlation between smaller than average brains and lower intelligence, though.

This guy is the one with the limited brain size.

President Elmo heard that a Maga pres has to lie like a mad, mad son of a bitch, and he is up to the challenge!!! LMFAO!!!

I was just thinking about Clement. We went to elementary/middle school together. Kid was crazy smart and I was a class clown so we didn’t really get along but just a few hours ago I was thinking about the day he taught me how to write my name in Chinese characters. Funny to see him on a random sub

C-sections are actually more risk for the mother. And they also have literally nothing to do with head size, it’s all genetic. He’s a buffoon pushing this lie. Another way to control women? Preventing vaginal births and only allowing C-sections sounds horrendous for any person able to give birth. Fuck this guy

Leon is trying to suggest that C-sections do make humans smarter, as the brain has more room and isn’t squished in the birth canal. Unfortunately he is wrong, like usual. But there is evidence to suggest that the increased use of Cesarean sections (C-sections) over time has influenced human evolution, potentially allowing for larger brain sizes at birth.

Here’s how it works:

Evolutionary Trade-offs: The human pelvis evolved to support bipedalism (walking upright), which constrained the size of the birth canal. At the same time, human infants have large brains, leading to a tight fit during childbirth. This is often referred to as the “obstetric dilemma.”

Role of C-Sections: Historically, infants with heads too large to pass through the birth canal might not have survived childbirth. With the advent of modern medicine and C-sections, these constraints have been bypassed. This means that genes associated with larger fetal head size or narrower maternal pelvises may be passed on more frequently, as both mothers and babies can now survive scenarios that would have been fatal in the past.

Impact on Evolution: Studies suggest that the use of C-sections has increased the prevalence of fetopelvic disproportion (a mismatch between the size of the baby’s head and the mother’s pelvis). This could theoretically support the continuation of genetic traits favoring larger brains or smaller pelvises.

Brain Size and Intelligence: While C-sections may allow larger heads (and therefore potentially larger brains) at birth, it’s important to note that brain size alone does not directly determine intelligence. Numerous genetic, environmental, and cultural factors influence cognitive abilities.

In summary, C-sections may reduce natural selection pressures related to childbirth, allowing for genetic traits that support larger brain sizes to persist. However, the relationship between C-sections and evolutionary changes in brain size is a complex and ongoing area of study.

Elon is a certified idiot.

Well he pretends to be a chief engineer and the world bought it. Now he thinks he can do anything. He’s really turning into that tech demagogue in “don’t look up”

Both me and my brother had to be born through a C-section, and I can firmly say that it has nothing to do with brain size. Cause I’ve never seen someone so opposite to me as that fucking guy

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