Ohio: Where police can ruin your life on video, and charge you for gathering the evidence.

By Jlx_27
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The cameras are bought with taxpayer dollars. This needs to be overturned in court.

I’m not American, but I reckon I can guess what side of politics he’s on…

Well, when you sue them, add back the money and the interest.

I don’t live in Ohio anymore, but what problem did they say this was solving? Too much access to police videos or something?

The legislature passed this bullshit in the middle of the night without chance for public input. DeWine didn’t need to sign this. Complete horseshit.

He’s like a toddler who’s proud he shit in the big boy toilet

This is definitely going to bring down the cost of groceries.

I forsee a court case with the ACLU and the NAACP involved

Is this shit even legal?

Not sure how this survives a lawsuit seeing as how they are purchased with tax money and subject to a FOIA request.

Wtf is wrong with people in the midwest?

Expect the ACLU on this one pretty quick

This country won’t last another 4 years. Although I hope it doesn’t come to it, I’m praying that instead of a civil war, we get a clean split. Let the right run their sub-country into the ground. It honestly wouldn’t last more than a few weeks.

It would be a shame if people learned his address

My go to position on this shit has settle on: that’s fine, you voted for this shit, or not enough of you could be bothered to come out and vote against it.

This means there’s no reason to withhold it then right? Like since you pay for it they have to deliver it within 24 hours or face immediate dismissal? Right?!

They see the only people needing such footage as minorities or poors. This country sucks.

new GoFundMe Category just dropped

Mike DeWine is another far right fascist piece of shit installed on you by the Fox Ministry Of Propaganda.

Boy they really fucking *hate* the public. Like, ***hate*** hate

Age 77. Old.


This is the same state where in 2017 the Legislature passed and the Governor signed a bill that stated parents could not be held liable should their child be injured or die if it occurred as a matter of religious observance. Think beating, starving, sweat box, and so on to help the kid “find Jesus”. Like they do in Christian boot camps, but DIY.

Just like bail to get out of jail. They know most peasants can’t afford it.

“Sucks to be you. Now get your ass out there and weedeat those medians until your court date comes up.”

That’s what FOIA requests are for

Another reason to hate Ohio! Thanks!

Ohio,is in the same disgusting category as Texas & Florida.

#Ohio is a garbage state

I said what I said.

#Ohio, the Midwest’s Florida

What an asshat

Why all these old doofus heads have eyes that point in opposite directions? His eyes look googly and so do that other congress lady who fell on her own marble steps.

Instead, we should have laws where if police are accused of something and bodycam footage is mysteriously missing they’re considered to have plead guilty.

Or, at minimum, can no longer ever work in any law enforcement or law enforcement adjacent profession if they don’t.

Pay Per View Body Cams. This. Is. America. 

wtf happened to Stewart Little?

Why he look like a wax figure of Bill Gates melting

BREAKING: Notoriously shitty person reminds you that they are still, in fact, a shitty person.

Back around 2009-10 My cousin had to spend $40k paying a lawyer and a P.I. to obtain cruiser footage of a drunk off duty cop slamming his face into the ground with his foot while handcuffed outside of a bar after a scuffle. Off duty cop at the bar didn’t identify himself as one, acting belligerent and harassing some girls when my cousin stepped in. Dude had backup already coming when he told him to bring it outside. 15 seconds after this drunk asshole was dropped on the ground cops rolled in and cuffed my cousin. The drunk cop stumbled over to him and slammed his face on the pavement giving him a concussion. Took 6 months to obtain the footage and the police departments story was the officer was not drunk and was attacked. This was all before body cams.

Welp Ohio ain’t for lovers after all

I’m surprised they’re willing to hand it over at any price frankly.

This fucker wears a white pointy hat for sure

Another waste of tax payers money this will be challenged and over turned.

Notice how everyone had 100% confidence that he’s a republican without even checking to be sure.

Taxpayers should eat the rich it seems.

How is this legal and not a hindrance to investigation and fair trial? Wtf

Americans will stomp their own necks with a boot if it means that gay people don’t have full rights

Withholding discovery leads to an acquittal, am I correct?

Let me guess, Republican?

Edit – Googled it. Am I psychic? Or are Republicans just pieces of shit?

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