Hilarious lack of self awareness

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Damn cancer at 21 is rough ://

I don’t know who Katie Patton is but she sucks. She even pays to use twitter

My last girlfriend ended things when I began therapy. She claimed we were incompatible because she needed someone more stable.

The kicker? She was a therapist.

Oh boy, this genuinely reminds me of the time my boyfriend told a story about this asshole who he was friends with once telling him “Men don’t have the right to feel discriminated because they aren’t” literally hours after he told her a story about how he got sexually harassed by a girl and when he complained to an adult, they dismissed it saying “Men can’t be sexually harassed” like, genuine bitch, how can you say that to someone who was adamant about his experience being sexually assaulted and discriminated?

Clearly not the brightest move—she actually pays for Twitter.

[Reminds me of this short of Brené Brown. She nails it](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZEODvlg_iGE?si=QiJ_09jbVC2VbemX)

Seriously. It’s tough as a man to show emotion sometimes. It’s almost like we aren’t allowed.

At your lowest, you can only add fuel to the fire. My friend was mourning his dad when his wife decided she’d had enough, filed for divorce, and went after his house and his dog.

The longer answer, which perfectly illustrates this conversation, is that we usually tell men that men don’t cry.

I knew a man who once wrote loudly and proudly that men cry as a means of emotional manipulation and that it is a terrible thing to see. So I started explaining the problem and they quietly deleted their post.

There is a time and place for stoicism, but expressing ourselves emotionally is a human thing, and to ask us to do so is to dehumanize ourselves.

Talking to the men in this thread, but anyone can do it: If you’re ever feeling down or need an invisible 3rd party to vent to, please message me on here.

We aren’t given many places to express our emotions in a healthy way. There’s always judgement from the people around us if we aren’t some stoic masculine pack mule, but life doesn’t have to be that way.

Sometimes it’s easier venting to someone you’ll never see again. I learned that when i was living in my truck looking for work.

There’s nothing wrong with talking to friends either.

Whether it’s me or a friend or someone else, please find someone to talk to. The world is better with you in it.

You are loved

This totally tracks for me. My current girlfriend sometimes complains that I never show vulnerability, but after a lifetime (almost 60 this year) of being treated indifferently at best by various significant others when it comes to sharing emotional pain or hardship, I’m quite sure that showing vulnerability as a man is a no-no, especially in the context of a relationship. 

Toxic Masculinity isn’t just something that men teach other men. Its something that SOCIETY enforces. When my brother was in elementary school, after we had moved so we didn’t have friends or even family nearby, he cried, sometimes every other day because he was being picked on.

He was sent to the school counselor, who told him something along the lines of “boys shouldn’t cry. You need to bottle that up” and my brother did bottle it up, for years, leading to a slew of personality problems that only therapy could address.

My parents said if they had known what she had told him, they’d have asked for that woman’s dismissal. Its f’ing stupid to think men aren’t allowed to express themselves, emotionally, unless its anger or someone dies, and even then, get shit for daring to act like a human being a shed a tear or two.

I called my then girlfriend that I need to talk to her that there’s a tragedy and I don’t know how to deal with it. My sister had died before being born, 2 months before due date. I walk to meet her and broke down crying and told what happened and she told me that she wants to break up. “Funnily” I was so grief stricken that the breakup never even felt like anything.

What does that even mean? “I doubt that was it”? It’s a personal question about why someone would feel the need to go through things alone. What kind of bullshit answer is that? “I doubt that was it”. But if that one is paying for twitter then it’s a given they’re a dumbass to begin. And yeah that person’s first gf sounds like another dumbass.

I’ve had more than one gf break up with me because I got emotional within reason. And one in particular said, men aren’t supposed to say those things out loud, no woman wants or needs to hear about your feelings.

Though I also had partners who encouraged me to share feelings and even cry. Which felt weird at first, mainly because everyone else before them, including my family, would chastise me for showing any emotion at all

This is a fairly common experience, to say the least.

I had a GF pester me for months to open up and share my feelings. So I did. The very first words out of her mouth when I finished was “you disappoint me”, and then wonders why I stopped calling and visiting.

Some people are shitty. Doesn’t matter the gender. Be glad you found out who they really were and surround yourself with supportive people.

If you’re afraid of showing emotions to your partner/close friends, you really need to reassess those relationships.

While there is no context to determine if that’s the case here, it is not uncommon for men complaining they can’t show emotions to have themselves promoted an environment like this. If you build your masculinity upon being tough and make fun of those who don’t meet your standards, you can’t really be surprised by a bad reaction when you hit a rough patch.

Again, not saying that’s the case here, but I assume the woman in the tweet was thinking something similar. There certainly were more tactful ways to inquire more context than what she wrote, however.

Lol, that’s why men would rather share their feelings with a tree than a woman

Perfect example of why some people choose to stay silent.

Man shares his feelings or past trauma with his women.

Woman then uses that against her man when she angry or upset.

Woman then laments to friends that her man isn’t open with his feelings her.

I guess one could say lack of awareness is hilarious would be an insult to oneself

I don’t think anybody would not cry if a friend, not even a best friend, had TERMINAL cancer at 21

This pendulum swings both ways. I know many men who will downplay women’s feelings (just happened to my wife from someone in her group of friends). Surround yourself with better people and callout the people who bring you down.

Told to my ex that I was tired to feel chronic pain, to not know why, and that I fear to become addicted to codein (which I eventually became and defeated, 8 months without opioids)

“Stop whining. You don’t have periods”

(I never told her to stop whining during her periods)

Just talk about this openly and you’ll have women accost you during your conversation to downplay it. This stuff is comically common. Women don’t allow others to have bad times, even when they’re the most protected citizen class on the planet.

Shit this is why men just hold on to everything.

I dealt with my girl just giving me shit for every little things for a whole WEEK. Finally broke me when she just cancelled plans over a simple question of are you ready? Goes off and call me all these hurtful things..

I finally said I had enough and wanted to just get away to deal with my emotions. She saw I was tearing up. Ended up saying I’m a self centered person who always make things about myself.and now she’s the one who needs space.


Man… terminal cancer at 21… fuck dude…

Womansplaining to invalidate your feelings

Toxic people of all stripes and genders believe this rot, that “soft emotions” are a sign of weakness or character fault in a man.

They are not.

Both men and women need to remember this and pass it on to younger generations if we want to fix it.

I’m down to help, men deserve so much better than crap like this, but don’t blame women for the world you created.

Men created the philosophy of stoicism not women. They took the wrong lessons from it and built societal expectations into our cultures with that and other philosophies in mind.

Y’all have literally been coding this misandry into society for centuries. Women like above, their beliefs are a symptom of this mess not the cause.

Let’s work together to fix this for men, instead of just coping with “women bad”

Why pretend that this is just a women vs men thing, as if many men don’t constantly challenge other mens’ masculinity for not fitting the mould of being the “emotionless heterosexual badass that likes cars, beers and guns” kinda stereotype? Like, it’s far from just women who will call a man gay (which clearly isn’t masculine 🙄) for liking makeup, threaten their “man card” if they don’t perform enough rage if another dude hits on their girlfriend, say they’re not a “real man” for liking “girly drinks” or that they’re a “pussy” that needs to “man up” if they ever show signs of vulnerability.

This isn’t a fucking gender war. It’s a fight against the same patriarchal bullshit that will strictly define gender rolls and punish those who don’t fit in. It’s not like the majority of judges who grant women the custody of children in a divorce are men. The lawmakers who decided that only men have to sign up for the draft in America weren’t and aren’t a female majority, the cops who will have prejudice against a man in a domestic dispute aren’t ruled by a secret all-female cabal in the background.

Posts like this are just misdirection, like saying that government austerity measures are due to poor people existing, or that school shootings are because of “the gays” or whatever the fuck. Challenge social norms and those in powers instead of this knee-jerk reactionary incel bullshit.

I’m seeing a lot of stories of women being assholes to men all over social media lately, including Reddit. Is this a “thing”? Are the Russian trolls and capitalist oligarchs going after our relationships with one another now? That would be a perfect divide and conquer strategy. I’m not saying women can’t be assholes, but this all seems really amplified lately.

Opening up when someone else asks for it is effectively the same as owning a gun store and then opening your gun store when a robber with a knife demands you to do it.

You’re just gonna give them new weapons and ammunition to use against you. so they can then take everything.

My ex-bestfriend of 9-years got dumped by his girlfriend when he told her that his mother just had told him she had terminal cancer and would die in the next couple of months (she died 2 weeks later). After having convinced him to not only break of ties with me because I told him that he shouldn’t trust her and dump her when I found out that she was using her job as a socialworker to spread gossip and rumors about people when she was bored. But they tried to report me to psychiatric emergency unit. Short story: Everything resolved nicely when the ambulance found me surprised, hosting a dinner for some other friends.

This happened back in 2021. Last I heard from a worried common aquaintance was that he has grown fat, a mortal alchohol problem now, and he drives a tram in a city.
Moral of the story don’t trust women over friends. Not even the ones that touches your penis for a while.

I’d rather share my feelings with a bear than with a woman.

I feel awful for that guy, crying when a friend dies is normal, wtf is/was wrong with people who mock that?

Why do women do this?? I guess it’s not exclusive, but it’s obvious and pointed out when a dude is being a fucking asshole like this. I’ve told people that my wife wouldn’t believe me if I walked up and said “I’m bleeding” if she wasn’t able to see it herself, but she wouldn’t ask follow ups, she would say “no,you’re not “. She laughed when I told her that.

What a bitch

Is this toxic masculinity? Effectively having to adhere to an image or a sort of standard you don’t even want and being shamed for it?
I don’t see the masculinity in it, I do not see the gain in it, I do not see any positives in it, neither for men nor women nor society as a whole.

I had an interaction just like this on Reddit. It had something to do with make loneliness epidemic and I told a story of how I was friends with my brother. A bunch of girls started having a circle jerk over how men were all messed up or something over it when all I did was talk about how my brother and I liked to hang out 🤷‍♂️

The pinnacle of this is the one calling out that toxic piece of shit has probable misogynist ART THE CLOWN as their pfp.

Fucking hell, that’s hilarious. The only way to be funnier is having a Dolores Umbridge pfp & calling out transphobia, racism, or ableism.

In my experience, being vulnerable with a girlfriend often leads to them losing their attraction, or making things about them.

My best friend had it worse when his then gf got annoyed when she caught him crying – less than a week after suddenly losing his dad.

Another close friend of mine was swallowing up anxiety episodes after his dad died too, was very unhappy at his job but couldn’t quit because he was maintaining his gf, who didn’t want to look for a job. She got annoyed that he was having issues. Still never looked for a job and suddenly left owning him tons of money.

Another friend of mine lost his gf when he admitted to going to therapy.

Another friend of mine lost his gf when she started making more than him, after he was the one helping her with her learning and job applications (they worked on similar fields). She lost interest in him and didn’t want to reciprocate the favour.

By no means that is all women. There’s tons of amazing women out there just like there’s tons of amazing men. But there’s many examples of men being treated as the doormat in relationships. And, for all the bs sexist stuff that happens in society, in my experience it’s often women upholding “traditional roles” (whatever the hell that means) when it comes to men.

When I was 14 and still presumed cishet, my art teacher shamed me for turning down a girl who was 3 to 4 years older than me.

I was a freshman in high school. She was graduating that year. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I was an adult. I owe that art teacher a conversation, even if it was 14 years ago

I once shared my deepest and insecure emotions to my gf. When I said out loud the things I dare not to think of or even have had hard times telling my therapist, the weight fell off, I just couldnt hold back the tears.
I was sobbing like a five year old and she just gently stroked my shoulder then we hugged and I knew, she is the one.
No judgement whatsoever. I imagine she was waiting for it to finally come out after me saying “everythings fine” for the millionth time.

Women think they know everything. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I went to high school with Katie, this is so random

Next time a woman asks your height, ask her weight lol.

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