My neighbor left a note to reject her secret admirer.

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Sorry for the rejection OP.

hey fellas, don’t do this. you may think it’s cute and a nice gesture, but 90% chance that poor woman is thinking ‘fuck, now this person knows where I live and I don’t even know who they are’

edit: it’s 100% chance for sure bro. just don’t.

Oh boy this seems like one of those things where they should just move because it seems like this is the part where the gifts become like severed human parts and explosives.

Notice she has to be really nice about it for the sake of her own safety.

~~secret admirer~~ stalker

It puts the lotion on…. Yep I’d be happy installing a ring camera

that’s mildly horrifying

What a creep 😂

I at least leave notes with the gifts when I do this to the women in my apartment building.

That’s so scary

I suppose this is a way for her to find out where the „admirer“ lives

This is not mildly anything. This is wildly terrifying and literal stalking. I hate that she has to feign gratitude and niceties for her own safety. I sincerely hope she’s called the police.

Whole things feels wrong

This happened to me too, thought it was creepy

Mom keeps ordering Amazon and forgetting that she did.

This would make me so uncomfortable if this happened to me. I just want to exist in my home without worrying about pissing off a neighbor.

This asshole in a Prime truck keeps doing the same thing to me too- maybe I’ll try a note

Fuck this makes me glad to be a man and not have to go through shit like this. Men can be so scary. And then they’ll be like why are women afraid of men?? lol

My sister had a similar situatuion when she moved into a new house. She would find gift baskets outside her door twice a week. Turned out to be the lonely old lady across the street who’s always watching them. She had to leave a note for her to stop too cause it was getting ridiculous.

Pro move not signing her name.

This is scary. Could lead to a horrible crime. What a weirdo doing this stuff. It’s a form of stalking. Tell her to contact authority before something terrible happens.

Honestly knocking on someone’s door and leaving little gifts is pretty creepy


Yo that’s creepy. Especially since the stalker knows where she lives. I’ve read several people’s comments on other similar posts suggesting that the woman in a similar situation should leave a pair of large muddy work boots outside the door. To make it appear that there’s a large man also living in the house. Also get a bat and put a sock on the end of it. As others have suggested, tell her to get a ring cam.

dude, this sort of gestures almost never work. in an ideal world like in movies they might but no not in real life.

just to give you an example, there is even a huge difference between asking a girl out directly or through her friends. and if you the dont know the girl, asking a girl out directly has almost zero chance while asking through her friends is a completely different story.

Someone was doing this to my friend (leaving candy and stuff at her door w no note) and she was wildly creeped out, same guy literally cornered her in the elevator to ask why she wouldn’t give him a chance and he always would try to ask for hugs. This man was like hulking and 6’3 and she’s like 5’5. Why do men fucking do this shit.


Help that woman, she may be in danger. It’s not „interesting” and calling that creep a „secret admirer” is vile

Give her your address to return the gifts to, free stuff!!! /j

Very tactful and polite rejection! I hope the admirer isn’t a stalker!


In 2025 this is creepy. It’s sad she had to be nice in the note out of fear for her own safety, but I can clearly see the discomfort in her letter. The intention might be harmless, but don’t be surprised if this kind of behavior gets the admirer (stalker) in legal trouble or worse.

If she’s renting and has a peep hole, it can be unscrewed and a camera can be installed and removed without causing any damage to the door.

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Set up a camera, catch the creep in the act and post his picture around the neighborhood so people know who to avoid. These fucks need to be shamed into acting better because they sure as fuck never learned and will never learn. Ostracize creeps. They should feel unsafe doing these things, not the victims

My gf at the time was staying at the apartment I was living at with me. I was at work and she called me crying saying there’s a creepy guy in the building who left a note on our door.

It said something along the lines of “Apt 205 you’re really cute…if you wanna get together sometime let me know. – apt 309”

She was very bothered so I had to deal with this right quick. I took the note and walked upstairs and knocked on the guys door. Took like 2 mins of standing at the door before it finally opened up. This guy awkwardly is like uhh hello? I just handed him the note and said what kind of good time are we gonna have?

He was like uhhhh that wasn’t for you. But it was so creepy and just weird of a situation, all I could think of was “I’m apt 205 and I’ve lived here for years”

It was like awkward silence and then he just kinda said like oh I don’t know then and closed the door. Was one of the strangest things ever because going up there, I wasn’t sure if I was going to knock this guy out or just have a creepy stand off.

OP I hope you got the message

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