Michael J. Fox receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his advocacy in Parkinson’s research – January 4th, 2025

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Anyone who has been around someone with Parkinson’s for a great deal of time knows how horrendous this disease is.

Fox has been a tireless advocate for this cause. Congratulations and best wishes to Michael and his family.

Congratulations to this man, also Is it Hillary next in the chair?

Fox should have gotten the medal decades ago. Perhaps he can go back?

I love that Joe personally supported Michael so he could stand. 💕

The strength it takes to keep standing tall – what a true hero

It’s sad to see how much he struggles today. No one deserves that

Everybody liked that

You mean they give these to plain old non-billionaires who didn’t donate to their campaign? What peasantry.

Last deserving recipient we’re gonna see for some time. 🙁

The Magic man in the background

The real reason he is for Back to the Future

Did he get this already? ❤️MJF ✊🏻

Finally, a worthy award.


he still looks good

it was a lovely ceremony

It amazes me that the people who are supposedly in charge don’t realize how much they have diluted the value of the presidential medal of freedom. I can imagine some idiot standing up and saying “hey let’s give one of these to Anna Wintour. We love Vogue.”
And then a second idiot stands up and says “well only if we give one to Lionel Messi.”

I once got him and Michael B Jordan mixed up. I called him Canadas bad boy 🤦🏼‍♀️

Reddit can really be fucking awful sometimes with some of these comments. Flat out scum.

the next 4 years is going to see this honor tarnished by the incoming administration.

expect ass hats like Charlie Kirk & Tim Dillon to get these awards.

If folks like George Santos or Marj Taylor Green can have a seat in govt, Hillary can absolutely get a medal of freedom.

For his contributions to our country, and his values and prinicples that align with the next President, I fully expect to see Matt Gaetz on stage next year.

Edit: /s

Fuck yeah

Where Messi?

First I thought he’s holding Mask

It makes me sad to see that they have to hold him to help him stand

I have never seen resilience as I have in that man. The documentary on him is highly recommended.


Fucking breaks my heart seeing him like that.


Canadian treasure there.

Slick move. Now his decisions cannot be overturned.

Trump would’ve have just mocked him.

Good on Mike. Turning lemons into lemonade

Kinda cool giving a medal to a Canadian.

Damn he looks bad

No, I’m not trying to be controversial or anything, but has Trump said what he plans to do about medical research and stuff like this is he still gonna let continue or is he planning to cut funding for it?

I expect the next round of medals to go to pardoned J6 leaders.

Hillary over there lookin like a Disney villain

Now, do Hillary and George please…..that REALLY amazes me!!!

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