Who’s death on a tv show stunned you?

By va513
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Robb Stark.

I did not read the books.

Henry Blake – MASH

Omar in The Wire. You knew he was going to die but not like that.

Oberyn Martell

I should have expected it at that point in the series but as a then non-GoT reader that one broke me

>!Howard!<, Better Call Saul

Rita from Dexter

Joyce Summers

Opie. Sons of Anarchy.

My favorite character. He knew he was flawed but always tried to do the right thing for his club and family. There was a very definitive sensitivity about him that I identified with. Ryan Hurst was incredible in the role. It actually made me shed a tear, a sure sign of great storytelling.

Christopher Moltisanti – The Sopranos.

Kenny, South Park.

Hank, Breaking Bad

Victor in penguin. I kinda felt it coming but didn’t wanna believe it. It made me so angry.

Walking dead dale, old man with camper. Heart and soul of the group. Devastated me, later when Glenn died, I couldn’t watch for awhile

Eddard Stark. I didn’t read the a song of ice and fire books. I was shook and then the red wedding happened.

Curtis Lemansky – The Sheild 

Zoe on House of Cards. I was genuinely so shocked it seemed like she was gonna be the permanent co protagonist.

The one that hit me in the feels was joice summers in buffy the vampire slayer

John Dunsworth(Mr. Jim Lahey)from Trailer Park Boys, one of the hardest for me.

Ruth on ozark

Bobby Singer

The red wedding episode i didn’t cry bust i did gasp and say oh fuck out loud

Shireen Beratheon… game of thrones. Still can’t handle that moment to this day

Hank on Breaking Bad. Watching him say so bravely and calmly “You were always gonna shoot me, weren’t you?” to his killer and seeing Walter helplessly losing his shit completely watching just crushed me.

Ragnar. I damn near cried

Poussey – Orange is the New Black

Adriana, Sopranos

Mr Hooper on Sesame Street

Hold the Door. Watched it as it was broadcast and was absolutely blown away. Just sat there for 10 minutes till my roommate scratched at the door and asked if I had seen episode yet. We were both failing to hold back tears…. Probably the last moment of real greatness from Game of Thrones.

Lucy Knight on “ER”. And Evan Peters’s character on “Mare of East town”.

The youngest daughter on Downton Abbey

Dinosaurs… everyone. 

Coach from Cheers

Ned stark

The red-shirted Security Office in Star Trek. No, not that one. No, not that one, either. Yes, that one. 🤣🤣🤣

Lem on The Shield. I’ll never get over it.

Ed Truck. His cappa was deTATED.

Gale Boetticher (and in turn Victor) from Breaking Bad

The cast of The Good Place. After they walked thru the arch.

D in The Wire. Of course it happens on the same episode where he is demonstrating personal growth and coming to terms with what his life has been.


Chris Keller(Christopher Meloni) in Oz. Not just because he dies, but when and how and WHY.

>!In the finale, his gay lover Tobias is finally about to be let out of jail. Because he can’t imagine a life without him and because he is a psycho, he jumps to his death when saying goodbye, making it look like Tobias pushed him and leaving Tobias stuck in prison likely facing the death penalty!<

From the fews tv shows I have watched, I could say Angela Moss in Mr. Robot. Her death was unexpected and specially when it ocurred at the start of the season.

we can argue about the quality of the show at this point, but when Jax’s mother killed Jax’s chick it caught me off guard. did not see that coming

Basically all the deaths on the last season of Six Feet Under… The show started off as a comedy about death and the funeral industry, then devolved into a gut-wrenching drama.

I don’t remember the name of the character but in Breaking Bad the guy working for Gus who learns Walt’s process for making meth by watching him. When Gus cuts his jugular with a box cutter and lets him slowly bleed out… I was in shock, both because of how unexpected it was and how brutal and cold it was

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