They aren’t wrong

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Money can’t buy taste

Lots of windows so he can show off his hats perhaps?

I’d be more worried for the local bird population with all that glass.

Ok that’s one of the least appealing rich people houses I have ever seen. Damn the talent didn’t transfer over to taste.

Room without a wall

That’s where I had my Freshman Comp class!

That’s one ugly house

this aint rare insults.. that’s rare compliments

Repost of top post?

Literally the top post of all time.

This man turned ‘Happy’ into ‘Homeowners Association Fees’

I though it was a mega church

It’s so his too young girls can feel more comfortable lmao

Karma bot?

I wonder how he’s doing financially.

Looks like the HQ for Cyberdyne Systems.

17 Million is about how much they’d ask for in bonds to build something like this for a community college so event the numbers check out.

There is a good community college in the US!

Probably has dean pelton running around too

Looks like a small pharma hq

That looks nicer than the community college I went to

People are hating on this house but it was *clearly*😏 designed to take in a lot of natural light, as opposed to relying on inferior forms of light. I bet the inside of it looks amazing and that’s all that really matters in a home. Ya’ll can keep your over-designed colonial nonsense. I’ll take one of these bad boys!


He has such bad taste.

Rural town where I use to live sold their school due to consolidation. Single story, built in the 80’s, had a full basketball court gymnasium and a kitchen with a walk in fridge. Guy paid $5k for it and is living in it.

Maybe a community college rejected him then he decided he will buy one oneday and live in it

Awful lotta poors in these comments talking shit about a house they’ll never come close to having the chance to remodel 

Best thing is it’s carbon neutral certified and doesn’t displace the beautiful hardworking people of the local community.

They all do and I bet they feel so lonely living in huge campuses with nobody else in sight.

It looks like a shitty office building

Considering community college was one of the few times in my life I was happpppyyy, it seems apt

I don’t like you poppin shit at pharrell

Money doesn’t buy taste.

Everyone in here is saying the house is ugly, but how many of you actually own a house?


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