You have to jiggle the handle.

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“Enjoying sex with women is gay!” says bare chested macho Daddy. “Straight men are turned on by lots of nameless offspring who will spread their genome.”

I don’t really get this guy. The insecurity is pretty profound though.

He’s got 2 years to have 5 kids, or he’s officially gay.

Tate has a hatred of women because he can’t accept his micro-penis.
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This can’t be real? 🤣

Imagine in 2024 telling people feeling good is gay.

I’ve got some fuckin’ news for my gf.

Wait, there’s nothing here about whether its gay if women enjoy it.

Isn’t this guy a sex trafficking pimp who forces women to be cam girls?

We have audio of him saying he likes raping women.

According to his own logic, he may very well be the gayest man to have ever lived.

Anything Tate related is so tiresome.

He’s engagement farming. That’s literally all this is. He knows people are going to say “you’re 38” and drag him in the comments and he’ll get a legion of goons who are too dumb to breathe without thinking hard about it to defend him.

And all the while, he’ll make money on it and people will talk about him and his reputation won’t change even 1% because everyone with a brain already hates him (which has zero impact on his financial security) and everyone without probably worships him (which keeps making him richer).

It’s all so fucking mindless. Stop engaging with his shit.

We’ve come full circle folks.

Having sex with women is gay.


Guys, it is officially gay to have sex in 2025. LGBTQ US

Fatherless behavior

He clearly didn’t have a strong male role model growing up

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He sure does seem to know a lot about being gay.

Pretty sure Tate is part of the Epstein crew. They hate WOMEN, not female people that aren’t old enough to be considered women.

he doesn’t mention a vagina in the post. Maybe it feels “gay” cause his got the wrong entry point

Guys apparently all that sex with women I’ve had has been gay this whole time..

Andrew, just admit the breeding kink already (I would say there are spaces for that, but I would like to point out they don’t take so kindly to abusive humans).

The fact that he is 38 yrs old and multiple sources confirm he has no kids so……. He keeps telling on himself so much.

Isn’t andrew tate almost 40 with zero kids?

Fellas, is it gay to enjoy sex with women?

So does Tate have kids? Or is he a virgin still? He looks like a virgin.

He looks and acts more like Gollum every single day.

Fellas, is it gay to have sex with women now? 

How many kids does Tate have? Oh, not because I want to call him a hypocrite, I’m trying to see how widespread his trafficking operations are.

Is he the one who goes around libraries drawing pee-pees and wee-wees on the Cat in the Hat and the Five Chinese Brothers?

“All that feel-good pee pee sex”… dude doesn’t sound gay. Dude sounds like a eunuch.

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